
If FEMA rolled into your town and started barking orders after a disaster, what would you do?

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...or how do you think you would handle it if you didn't agree with them and they were apparently violating Constitutional rights?




  1. i would tell em " Good Job Brownie, now give me another peice of cake and watch this drive"~!!!

  2. I'd wonder what they were doing in Australia.

    If I were in America, however, I'd probably do what they said, given that they are supposed to be the authorities on emergency management.

    If I were in Australia and the co-ordinated emergency services were in play, I don't think they'd be barking anything unless there was an imminent life-threatening situation. In the case of our last major cyclone, we all just helped out straight away, as we usually do.    

  3. Call my lawyer if they actually did that. In all honesty, I don't know what I would do if that would happen.  The situation would obviously be very extreme if they were there in the first place.  However,  I'd be more worried about fascist armed private brown shirt militias like Blackwater coming into my town and doing that.

  4. I have had the misfortune of having to deal with FEMA they are there to help you.  If you every have a disaster you will be glad they are there.

  5. They did.  After the ice storm this past winter, they set up shop in our city and paid 75% of the cost of our damaged utility hardware and the state paid the rest.  Saved me $800 and restored my heating.  Thank you, FEMA.

    God, you young liberals are absolutely disgusting.  You treat your country like a piece of c**p.  I wish we could legally send all of you to Iran.

    They were probably taking hard control of the area to keep you from getting shot, you moron.  I could care less what you are.  I was responding to your nonsense about Blackwater/FEMA.  The ungrateful girls are the liberals.

  6. Tell them to fix my c**p and get the h**l out :)

  7. what are my options i have a safe full of guns and 2,000 rounds of various ammo but no shotguns like cheney had... f.p

    prhaps open my door and laugh at them!!!! I did that the other day here in florida as the floods came!!!!

  8. I would contact the ACLU

  9. if it's an emergency... they can violate your rights with curfews and in other ways...

    if it's a disaster zone, you can't just have everyone wondering around doing whatever they want...  

  10. Ha, Jessica Hussein Smith, the ACLU is an absolute joke.

    Anyway, I think that FEMA's actions were not pretty, but probably necessary. And they put a lot of money into the reconstruction of New Orleans.  

  11. They did, along with the national guard, after Hurricane Andrew.

    They wanted to keep the looters from getting shot.

  12. You must have never been in a disaster area when FEMA comes rolling in. The last thing they do is bark orders to everyone, they revitalize an area and help the residents.

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