
If Geese are monogamous, then why don't most humans follow that example?

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I know two Geese that return every year, mate and have biddies in the same pond. It's simply wonderful to see, but are we to say that the Geese are better married birds to each other than human beings?

Are we to say the the birds treat their mates better than we treat humans as ours?

C'mon we are above all animals on earth and yet the animals are making us as human beings look bad. I'm wondering why is that?




  1. Geese are some of the most annoying animals ever..............I'm just saying;)

  2. Because we don't lay eggs dummy.

    I won't make any comparsions about heading south for the winter though.

  3. Yes.  Geese are much better off marrying within their own species.  Geese marrying humans just wouldn't work....they **** way too much, and their diet, well that's "simply intolerable" lovey!

    Bird brain...

  4. best think about getting off the weed buddy

  5. Oh please, 99 percent aren't monogamous, so geese are a minority.   Have s*x with a honey other than your wife.  

  6. humans are animals, classified under mamals.  big secret: humans are animals pretending to be humans.   but animals and humans are just words. look up the origins of both those words and the language

    of origin and your question becomes irrelevant. we are not above any

    animal and neither are we below "symbiosis" that word would explain.

    we can talk to animals but the language is called science, something

    that some religions frown on, except when they have to go to the hospital! there are ants that enslave other species, there are males

    that give birth you are using just one example of creature. most mamals by the way are not monogamous. I really have no preference for the greek language, anyway gotta go

  7. OMG....

    Deep man, really, really, deep.........

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