
If Georgia is so important to the West why would the West allow them to take on the Russians?

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It seems a little odd to allow Georgia to attack the Russians so fiercly especially when the West has so much to lose in the region. We've put so much into Georgia since the wall came down and now we're willing to let the Georgians throw it all away? Why would we take on the Russians now?




  1. Probably to keep Russia occupied so the US or Israel can attack Iran. Now Russia wont be able to fully aid their ally, Iran, if the west commits any agressions.

  2. They were not trying to take on the Russians..They were trying to stop the Ossetian seperatist from harassing the Georgian people which gave Russians a reason to pounce..

  3. If the US won't do anything no one will. The US is already stretched too thin militarily. So who else in the west will take on this problem? Probably no one without the US.  

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