
If Global Warming is happening- no matter how or why- what can we do to prepare- not try to stop...?

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but PREPARE for it?

For example, floods will be expected, so should we build taller dams or move towards the mountains?

Another example is stronger storms. Should we start building stronger homes more inland?




  1. It doesn't matter whether global warming is man made or just a cycle in the earth's history .... it is happening. Between solar processes or natural earth processes such as volcanoes and the ever present forest fires which will be argued to have occurances whether or not mankind were present. It still just doesn't matter how it is happening, it is.

    FACT: "Atmospheric levels of CO2 are determined by how much coal, natural gas and oil we burn and how many trees we cut down, as well as by natural processes like plant growth. Atmospheric levels of water vapor, on the other hand, cannot be directly controlled by people; rather, they are determined by temperatures. The warmer the atmosphere, the more water vapor it can hold. As a result, water vapor is part of an amplifying effect. Greenhouse gases like CO2 warm the air, which in turn adds to the stock of water vapor, which in turn traps more heat and accelerates warming."

    We have gone past the point of no return unless we can build improvements to assist in reflecting light away from the earth.

    First you have to understand how long the earth has been storing up the fossil fuels. The coal, oil and natural gas that we are using now are products of the earth converting plants and animals into their present forms over (often) millions of years. They have been stored now for millions of years without being used until now. By being used now, we are converting these fuels from stored carbon, into released carbon. Thus allowing this released carbon to act as a greenhouse effect gas again.

    Since we are talking about a situation where the Earth once had a lot of stored carbon and now that stored carbon is disappearing at a tremendous rate (and will continue into the future) We can be truthful in saying that there is a definite trend, and relationship in the increase of greenhouse gasses. We can also say that these greenhouse gasses would not have been released without the intervention of man. Logically therefore we can say that global warming gasses have been released and any global warming increases are directly attributed to mankind’s releasing them.

    The damage done by increased greenhouse emissions has already taken its toll. This is evident by the melting of polar ice and glaciers across the globe. Some will say that there is no such thing as global warming, because there is in their opinion very little change in the average global temperature. However when you take into account the fact that there is less ice, and snow, because of the melting of polar ice and glaciers across the globe. That melted ice, snow and glaciers across the globe will in themselves temporarily lower the overall ocean temperatures untill they all melt. Thereby lowering the average temperatures on the earth. So if you account for that, the temperature can be proven to be increasing.

    We cannot get the world back the way it was, even as of fifty years ago, much less stop the damage that will still occur in the future. Sure we could try to stop all industry that will cause pollution, but at what cost. Without industry we could not sustain the present world population. Giving up industry and sacrificing billions of people on this planet in the process, is not a viable solution (even trying to merely lower greenhouse emissions is at best a temporary solution).

    The biggest problem we have now is not just the fact that we have more greenhouse gasses trapping heat in, but we are getting less and less sunlight being reflected out from the planet. As the snow cover melts from more and more of the planets surface, the sunlight heats up more parts of the earth that once reflected light back out. It is like a dog chasing its tail (until it gets dizzy and falls from exhaustion). As global warming just keeps building on itself till the ecological balance fails, and this planet will no longer sustain the teeming human populations.

    Greenhouse effect cure (there are no real cures but this may help till we can find one). First I want to point out that there are no real, viable short term, or easy methods of curing our Global warming woes. The damage to the environment has already been done and is, for all intent and purposes, basically irreversible. It is likely, however, that any type of plan to get rid of Global warming, will require some type of dramatic ecological compromises.

    Some will say that all we need to do is give up industry on the planet and the world will eventually go back to the way it was. I say it is too late for that solution (as a short term solution anyway).

    My plan, however, will require the use of old tires and recycled plastics. Of course it will require some engineering feats also, and a few ecological compromises. The benefits of using these wasted products will far outweigh the compromises required.

    My idea is to build large floating islands (white on top, to reflect sunlight back out of our planet) made from used tires (filled with co2) and recycled plastics. Yes there are engineering and ecological problems, but everyone has to admit there are worse problems in our current situation. So the only feasible solution is to build a bunch of artificial reflection "islands" across the planet.

    We can also try to get more people to use reflecting surfaces on buildings (which will be as difficult to do, as no one likes to have to do things exactly the same as everyone else).

    There will be other benefits realized, once we build enough of these islands. One of the problems associated with the increased temperatures we are experiencing is the possibility of increased hurricane intensity and frequency. Having enough of these floating islands in strategic points in the oceans will help to alleviate this problem also. It is a well known fact that hurricanes form in areas of the ocean where the temperature rises above approximately 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If we can keep those areas below that temperature (by reflecting sunlight away), we can prevent the formation of hurricanes. Without these floating islands, hurricanes will probably continue to increase in intensity and frequency…

    We need a solution to deal with our Global warming woes, and we need it now. Even if this is a difficult path to follow, it will pay off in the future. The overall problems I see for Greenhouse effect is that we can go green all we want, but Global warming and our constant desire to be comfortable, will eventually undermine any efforts we may do. Unless we can get rid of some of the excess heat in this world, we will always be under the eventual threat of a thermal overheating demise.

  2. Before we determine our preparation plan (adaptation) we must know how it's going to be affected; for example some countries will be have less rainfall (drought) these countries can for example genetically modify the cultivars so as to increase the water use efficiency, or should change the cropping pattern being used. Countries which will have more precipitation can indeed build taller dams, improve the structure of their construction, design drainage paths to discharge the excess of water.

  3. Buy Hummers because the high ground clearance will come in handy when the roads flood.  The low ground clearance Priuses and other vehicles will be stuck and inoperable.

  4. The floods from the melting ice is a lie. Do this test; Fill a Glass with ice ,now fill the rest with water till it is about to run over . Now watch how much runs out. It will as ice occupies more space than the water.

  5. In spite of the rhetoric, sea levels aren't rising significantly (if at all) faster than it has been for hundreds of years without man's help.  Since it is rising slightly, wise building practices should be followed.  The government should get out of the business of bailing out those that get flooded or hit with hurricanes.  This will reduce the number of people building in the flood plains or near the coast, if they have to self insure.  There is no need to increase building standards due to any warming.  Generally, building standards are increased anyway due to better technology and better understanding.

  6. okay i get the question. Well to prepare for global warming you can get ready for some major changes. yes you have the baseic stuff. but there is just really nothing you can do.

  7. move away from the equator.

  8. In my Opinion global warming is a myth.

    and if it was happening, building taller wouldn't do any good, i mean.. first floors will flood anyway and not everyone is going to live on the third floor or something. ;-)

    and to prepare for storms, maybe we americans should stop building houses made out of wood and move on to bricks like the europeans do.

  9. We can't stop it totally, but we can DRAMATICALLY reduce it.  Simply trying to deal with unreduced global warming would be the worst disaster in history.

    But, since we can't eliminate it entirely, we'll also have to cope some.  Some things are obvious, like not trying to rebuild New Orleans where it sits right now.

  10. Why should we expect floods?  The IPCC estimates seas may rise a whole 2 ft.  I guess you might have to worry if you live on the beach itself.  Homes in my area are built to withstand hurricanes as it is, by code.  I'm set.

  11. If you listen to the global warming lobby, there basically is no hope so we should abandoned the modern age and move to live in shacks up in the hills.

    But regardless of global warming, you should not build in at least the 50 year flood planes or areas hit repeatedly by heavy storms over and over again without adaquate protection from them.

  12. If global warming was happening, which it is not, everyone would be really concerned.  The changes in our way of life would be very disruptive.  Thankfully, we don't need to worry about them for real.

  13. It's because we're humans and we don't like to realize what we're doing is wrong.

    I mean the government knew about the September 11th attacks and did nothing about it.

    Also, we'd have to do a lot of work to either reverse global warming or prepare for what would be expected.

    Some people don't think we'd see it in our life time so they don't care.

    Also, some people don't even believe that global warming is happening.

  14. Build High, Build High....


  15. Well my opinion is that Global Warming is a real issue,everyone knows about it but not many people belive it's true and even less are trying to do something about it.

    Our only hope now is to slow it down because otherwise we may die or radiation(if the ozone layer gets thiner),also most people wouldnt be able to survive because 1.there wont be much food nor water(maybe) and 2.we may not be able to use transport as we do now(if solar powered planes,cars and trains arent invented),another thing is that people who are used to sitting on their sofa and watch TV may take that loss hard.....

    Anyway I'm really worried about GW because the world will change,people may die,it may be hard to survive and also many of Earth's beautiful places will be lost.

    I can say many other things but time doesnt allow me,I hope my answer proves useful

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