
If Global Warming theorists had said that the Earth was Cooling,not warming, would it have scared more people?

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If Global Warming theorists had said that the Earth was Cooling,not warming, would it have scared more people?




  1. No,  as people fear Global Warming more than Cooling. There have been Sci-Fi movies where Cooling has taken place but, few with Warming. People who own property near water realize that it becomes worthless when its under water.

  2. If you really want to scare people, don't say that the temperature is increasing (the sea level is rising and all sorts of examples of what would happen that people should be concerned about but are not).......just tell them the tax is increasing and many faces will literally turn white

  3. probably.i think generally more people prefer warm to cold although thats not a fact

  4. great news cos i stay near the equator

  5. global cooling sounds calm and soothing they should have called it global freezzzzing that would have scared more people. anyway seriously global warming kinda explains to people why the glaziers are melting, people are afraid of drowning. what scares you more burning or freezing to death. personally I'm more afraid of burning so its works for me

  6. They had a global cooling scare in the 70's when they thought they could be on the brink of the next ice age. Didn't really have any more of an impact than global warming today. Probably less in fact. Catastrophe theories pop up all the time. If it isn't global warming it is an ice age or nuclear war or a meteor impact. As long as it sells newspapers and people get to air their views everyone is happy.

  7. it's possible... because if earth was cooling it means a new age of ice.... which would be a lot more dangerous than hot.... :D

  8. The whole point of the debate on global warming is based on sound scientific knowledge, which is in turn based on observations such as a rise in sea level, increase in air temperature, and the melting ice.  This is put into models where a reasonable assumption based on what is already known to predict what will happen in the future.

    If the evidence indicated that the Earth was cooling as a result of human activity then this would have been said.

    The whole point is not to scare people, though they should be concerned, but to present the facts and offer solutions.

    I believe that global warming is going to result in colder winters in areas that enjoy warmer ones as a result of the energy distribution being shifted around the globe.

    The whole point of science is to make discoveries, seek out facts and present these in an unbiased way.

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