
If Global Warmings not real why is everyone making it a Big Deal?

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Like having the "Global Warming Hour" where certain cities in the world participate in turning off electricity appliances to warn ppl about GW, they talk about GW in the news alot and their making campains and websites for suggestions on preventing or stopping global warming, and it is also become a poltical issue like Hillary Clinton saying she will help "tackle" global warming, and theres all these scary commercials making Global Warming look as if its gonna be an apocalypse. And don't be ignorant and tell me about Al Gore.

I just want to know if you think its not real since most of the ppl here say its all fake, then tell me why.




  1. The truth is that, informed people are sick and tired of others who are taken in by this scam. Global warming is obviously  a hoax and its purpose is to dismantle the capitalist system while making tons of money for the privileged hacks like Al Gore.

    I could go into it more, but I am losing energy  trying to explain it to those who just believe that man is to blame. So if man is to blame, and we are all human, then why don’t you alarmists also blame China, Russian, France, and most of the third world nations that have no environmental laws, to clean up their messes ?

  2. They Are Worried Because If Some one Is Still Around They Will Die

    P.S. I Do Not Think It Is Real

  3. First off, the planet has warmed & cooled since its' beginning.  Global warming & cooling have & will always happen until our planet's core someday finally completely cools and the planet dies.

    In the grand scheme of things a slightly warmer planet is more hospitable to life than a cooler planet, but that is just a side note.

    Many of the same people preaching man-made global warming today were the same people preaching global cooling just a few decades ago.  

    According to several renowned meteorologists this last year was one of the coolest on record and has wiped out much of any warming that has happened over the last several years.

    In the end there is nothing we can do to significantly affect the temperature of the planet one way or another.  The planet, the sun and mother nature runs the show and not us.

    The reason some people are pushing one "crisis" after another is to gain power & control over people because they have a political agenda.  The man-made global warming "crisis" is simply a way to try to make people voluntarily give up some of their power & money.  People generally want to do the right thing when it comes to the environment so there are people taking advantage of this and exploiting people.

    Some people want socialism or one world government.  Other people pushing global warming simply think humans shouldn't use natural resources, product power or have good standards of living and they want to restrict economic growth.

    The bottom line is there is no crisis in the environment.  The planet goes through changes and we simply have to adapt and deal with them.

    If people are free and economic activity is promoted than there is nothing we can't accomplish and we will be fine through whatever climate changes come our way.  Scaring people with lies, theory and conjecture is simply pathetic.

  4. Because it is a good way to advance their political or social agenda.




  6. So that the same five percent of the population can maintain its debaucherous lifestyle and continue to dictate to "the people" what they need and what they should buy via commercials and other propaganda.

    Most recently I have become aware that the same conglomerate companies that make the same ol' toxic chemicals to sanitize our filthy houses since the fifties are now putting green dye in the fluid and calling them "green". as if green dye will save the environment. LOL. Silly consumers believe they are making a difference, but really are just making rich pockets fatter!

  7. like someone said above, the earth has phases of cool weather and phases of warm, the gov wants as much power over you as it can get, ohh and money which global warming is def doing the trick there, all you people that fell for it are fools, there is nothing that you can do to stop the earth from warming up and cooling off again,in later years.

    oh yea one last thing FU(k  al gore

  8. I ask that question my self

  9. Big money to be made with this scare. Unfortunately it will be money all of us will have to pay to the few if they get their way and influence public opinion towards AGW with a majority.

  10. People need something to worry about.  It keeps people on their toes

  11. It's real.

    Haha, "don't be ignorant and tell me about Al Gore."

  12. Global Warming is Real I don't know why do they say Global Warming is not real and they don't have a reason.But for me Global Warming is really real.And In fact do you notice in your country that it get's hotter and hotter? it's Because of Global Warming We can Prevent it by Planting more Trees.

  13. I think it is human-caused climate change is occurring, but I want to point out what politicians do doesn't really help decide whether it is real or not.  Most of them were trained as lawyers not climate scientists.

    Reality bites, I think you are confusing  corporate marketing departments and climate scientists.

  14. I won't tell you about Al Gore...

    but I will tell you to watch The 11th Hour.

  15. they want more power and fear over the people

  16. They Want To Prevent It From Happining Silly, But Me Personally I THink Its Real.


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