
If Global warming is a lie - What is the purpose of that lie?

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Seems to me that it was started by the French.

Will they benefit financially if the world turns to Nuclear or wind technologies? Do they have any substantial oil or coal reserves like other countries?

Follow the money...................




  1. Was Y2K a lie?  Of course not.

    Was it factually wrong.  Of course.

    Was acid rain a lie?  No.

    Were the effects exaggerated.  Yes.

    Was global cooling a lie? No

    It was simply leftist pretending to know more than they do and blaming over consumption for changing the climate.  Where have I heard that before?  

  2. it is not a lie


  3. It is an interesting but unproven theory that has been latched on to by many groups who have for decades opposed the "American consumerist lifestyle" and aimed their attacks at the energy industry in particular because it is the lifeblood of that lifestyle.

    Greenpeace, UCS, PIRG, Sierra Club.....

    It's not necessarily a pecuniary interest for all - it's about imposing a lifestyle.

    There's no pecuniary interest at hand in the anti-g*y-rights crowd either.

  4. i don't think its a lie.....its quite clear can see the changes already.....temperatures have increased...rains are coming very late than usual.......

  5. To tax us to death, rob us, and so that they can control the people like communists. The founding fathers of this country would be disappointed.  

  6. I wouldn't say it's a lie, because climate change definitely is happening, but there is a lie about it being man made. They do this because it's to make us feel guilty about using electricity and driving our cars so they can raise taxes and people who watch TV are gullible enough to believe everything they say.

  7. The whole of all the governments know it is all true. They are just trying to make it seem like a lie so they won't have to waste their precious money fixing something they obviously don't care about.

  8. Yes it is a lie and yes there exists a trail of money leading to the responsible parties for it. What the lie is comes from deliberate alteration of temperature records from two periods. The period from 1921 to 1945 was adjusted lower to fit the early part of the hockey stick graph because they were higher than the 1990 through 2005 period. Next they raised the 1990 to 2005 temperatures above what they really were to help give the significant blade part of the graph. Then all the historical data back to the year 1000 was adjusted to stay well below the 1998 portion of the altered graph so they could claim 1998 was the hottest year in the history of the earth while in actuality there are several hundred years that were significantly hotter.

    So reality shows that 1998 was the second hottest year in the last 100 years and that 5 out of 10 of the hottest years in the last 100 were in the 1920s and 1930s. If you were to create a new hockey stick graph based on real world temperature averages you would find that the blade would end in its rise at about 1939 and look like a very rough horizontal saw blade from that point to today with no peak in the saw teeth higher than the 1934 peak. And with parts of the wiggly handle significantly higher than the 1934 peak temperature average.

    Now let us get to the money trail and the key persons responsible for this con game. After the flop of the 1973 oil embargo con the oil companies were stuck with large amounts of oil and refined product in storage that they were having a hard time selling so they reduced prices to move product. This cut their profits in half and made them very unhappy. Another thing that made them unhappy was the building of nuclear power plants and the plans being made to build massive solar power plants in orbit. The oil companies elected Jimmy Carter as president in 1976 to curb or eliminate these programs that would competes with oil and coal at lower cost.

    The first presidential order stopped the recycling of all nuclear materials and forced the costly storage of them instead. This in itself made nuclear power plant operations a hundred time more costly than before. Then another order opened the construction of new plants and refurbishment of old plants to litigation without merit. Thus any group could tie up the construction or repair of a plant for 20 to 30 years in court without needing to prove up front their suit was valid. And when that suit was tossed out of court another would be made strictly to prevent the construction of nuclear plants. Who benefited from this, only the trial lawyers and the oil companies.

    Now to overturn a presidential order requires the sitting president to sign a request to congress to remove it as Bush did recently on Carters off shore oil drilling ban. Then it requires a two-thirds majority in both houses of congress same as overturning a presidential veto does. Because the oil companies own the majority of the democrats in congress lock, stock and soul this will never happen even though both Bushes and Reagan tried several times. Now with a democrat running for president that is as firmly in the pockets of big oil as Carter was it is very unlikely nuclear will stand a chance in the near future unless by some miracle McCain gets in and brings with him a republican majority big enough wit independents and anti big oil democrats of which there are very few to overturn the Carter big oil orders.

  9. The French actually are energy pioneers. Unfotunately they haven't a clue as to what to do with their nuke wastes, but when did that ever stop anyone?

    But it is interesting to note that there are hundreds of medium sized towns on the French coast that get their energy quite efficiently from tidal  power.

    It's America that lags.

    As for Global Warming, I doubt the French, who are p**s poor environmentalists (placing their nuke plants in dairy country), are doing any of this for that reason.

  10. Well if you want to follow the money look not further than KPCB, a very successful and well known venture capital firm that Al Gore works for.  In a recent article with one the major partners KPCB which is known as a VC firm for technology startups would be switching its focus to renewable energy.

  11. It's not a lie, haven't you seen that the earth will warm up 9 degrees in the next 25 years?!(actually, I think it's more like 1000 years)  We need to look for another planet because we are going to fry on this one just you wait and see!

  12. All good lies have some truth to them. But, the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.

    The reason global warming is being blamed on man, and especially Americans is to control them. Passing laws that can be used now to limit carbon emissions, but later as a precedent to put people in prisons for other reasons. When you want the truth, try to see a few squares ahead on the chess board.

  13. Purpose is to continue behaving like a pig in Paradise

    To continue exploiting Nature.

    To rely on an incompetent God to handle things

    And not to contradict the bible

    Unless of course it is simply ignorance  

  14. "He's played on your fears " ( Al Gore has)

  15. ...the purpose of that lie?  Its purpose is to grab power, and influence OTHER people in the world (very often not yourself, like Al Gore).

    ...To be fair, if you do not trust what God says, and that He is sovereign over all creation and upholds the universe by His power, I guess the only thing you think you have left is this world, and if you think like many who do not believe God, you will do most anything to save whatever it is you are trusting the case of extreme environmentalists, it is the earth that they are trying to save, and they believe that this life is all there is.

    ...Personally, I will put all my eggs in God's basket.  I am a child of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and if the "worst"  happens (I die), I go to be with Him forever in what's wrong with that?  

    ...Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

  16. People need to believe in something, have faith in something.  Religion does that, it allows us to have hope, and to trust others.  So many people have not learned and accept religion and they are lost so they started a new religion of Global Warming.

    The new leaders of the church of global warming need followers and money to make it expand.  They preach the evils on money and that you should send the evil money to them.

  17. Global Warming is supported by the British Government as much as anyone else who have used it as an excuse to skyrocket taxes on pretty much everything from litter to diesel to cows(methane). So theres no debate about it in future generations they've put a very biased global warming based science curriculm into schools.

    There has never been a debate about its existence in the British parliament the Labour party just decided for all of us.

    Personally I'd like a bit of Global Warming at the moment its too cold for summer.

  18. To attempt to force others to live in a way they deem acceptable. Plus, who knows, maybe they have financial interest in those alternate energy sources.

  19. I would have thought it obvious because thousands of jobs rest upon keeping this hoax alive. Just look at all the people working for the intergovernmental panel on climate change. If they didn't have this myth to propagate, thousands of peoples' jobs would become redundant not to mention they'd look like complete idiots if their myth was exposed. Also, the Greenpeace organization is heavily invested in alternative energy sources (but not nuclear which is in fact the only economically viable alternative). If AGW is shown to be a scam they stand to lose tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars. But Greenpeace is a multimillion dollar empire which will stop at nothing to ruin the world for the rest of us so it will do all it can to keep the myth alive.

    As for your statement about the French, I don't think that's true. The theory of AGW was founded by a few hundred scientists from around the world (some of whom may of come from France) but this figure is hundreds of times less than the number of scientists opposing it.

    I hope this shed some light on your question.

  20. Yes it is a lie by the Left and Gore to convenes some dumb people to put them in office..

  21. Fame, Glory and................... $$$$$$$$.

  22. If you go back to french president jacques chirac  you can find one speech where in a fit of rage he stated " it does not matter about the science.  The important thing is to limit the playing field with the Americans on manufacturing."  end quote.

  23. al gore has made millons off this bullshit lie that he has made look so urgent and is scareing the c**p out of the world

    he is makeing global warming sound like a bigger threat to us then all out nucklear war ( i hope i spelled that right ) but we are more in danger of behing hit on the head by a metor the to be effected by global warming

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