
If God and religion are so great, then why is...?

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a Holy war said to be the worse type of war?




  1. Better yet, why do ppl of your caliber always blame God for man made wars?

  2. It's cause God is trying to see which of his pawns are the strongest.

  3. Holy wars are said to be the worst kind simply *because* God and religion "are so great". Just that one question you asked will probably spark passion in some fanatic and they'll be compelled to set you straight and tell you it's all thanks to King James for deciding to publish the Bible in English, thus causing members of the church to form their own opinions and thoughts on the scripture and starting their own religions. In my own opinion, God and religion are not things that go hand in hand. Religion is a man-made thing and just one more way to make money. Another point I could throw in is that Holy wars, in a sense, are just wars over territory. No one likes their space invaded or their stances challenged so when one group says their way is best, others get offended and say the same about their ways, and so on...

  4. Because you have two sides fighting over whose imaginary friend is better.  Talk about people dying over nothing...literally.

  5. The holy war is the Everlasting Gospel The Spirit of Prophecy, that is being spread out throughout the world, and people can either except the true Gospel or reject he Everlasting Gospel....

    Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be no troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet...

    Matthew 24:14   And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: and the shall the end come..

  6. Because then people have a blind faith in the war. Religion is not so great. Common sense or faith in the impossibility of religion allows people to second guess their war leaders. A holy war also lasts eternally, look in the middle east, it's over religious reasons and as such will NEVER end, it can only be quieted.

  7. If cars and trucks are so useful then why do so many children die in car accidents?

  8. A lot is said to meet the political agenda of the time. War and religion don't mix.

  9. War is bad, unless it's a war for your freedom.

  10. because no one will ever win. you cant convert people who believe strongly in there faiths so the only way to get the upper hand is to just kill everyone. if god could do one thing surely it would be to stop people killing each other in his name

  11. Just because someone says Holy war doesn't mean that God is behind it.  Many times its just plain old retarded man using God as an excuse to commit evil deeds.  The New Testament preaches Love!  Anyone who can't/doesn't see this, needs to reread it and read it slower.  Holy war is usually a Muslim thing.  Crazy people ruin it for the rest.  That goes for anything.

    Just My Thoughts!

  12. Its war over religion, and people get alot more violent when they think there way is better or the right way? it only seems like the worst cause it over such a holy thing


    A war that is entirely, primarily, or ostensibly religious in motivation; a war over religion; A flame war that is considered to resemble a war over religion, in that the strength of emotion is not proportional to the magnitude of the disagreement  

  13. because people are killing eachother for the reason they need to be helping eachother  

  14. God is great.  Religion is less so.  A holy war is not fought for God.  It is a political war fought in God's name.  What could be worse than accusing God of your misdeeds?

  15. Because it's the final war.

  16. For many reasons.

    Holy Wars involving Christianity, or other faiths like it, are faiths that say thou shalt not kill, and that thou shall love thy neighbor, and yet here they are killing thousands. I do not say why. Maybe because they're hypocritical, or maybe because they must do evil in order to stop a much greater evil. I do not pretend to know.

    Also, Holy Wars are over differences in religion, one of the longest standing, and most firmly held, systems in mans history. To go to war over it kills the humanity that adheres to it, all in trying to prove "my god is better".

    Holy Wars are the worst wars because, in my opinion, they are a war, costing thousands or millions of lives, infinite destruction to property, innocence, and mankinds self respect, for nothing. Not for oil, which at least is a reward, if not a just one. Not for money, or land, or any reward what so ever. The war begins, far too many people die, then the war ends. What changed? There's quite a drastic drop in population, but nothing else.

    Holy Wars cost so much, and all for naught. At least other wars have a result in favor of one side or another.

    Atheistically yours,

    JM Gendron.

  17. I am not entirely sure religion has much to do with war. Or politics or anything for that matter. It is all a front for ones political agenda in my opinion.

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