
If God did create the enitre universe, why did he leave a lot of things a mystery?

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why couldnt he just be straight up with people? for example, aliens, and himself? why couldnt he just show up right now and reveal himself? or tell us there are other lifeforms in the universe? why must things be a mystery too us humans?




  1. well one, this question is going to become an arguement over the internet so great!

    probably because he could and plus theres that whole free will thing, so you have to choose your own destiny but he wants you to choose the right one. that sort of thing.

    oh and about revealing himself, i suggest reading revelation

  2. With no mystery to ponder, there can be no sense of awe.

    And the universe is certainly awesome. Consider our reaction if told, for instance, that the inhabitants of a planet could fly and breathe underwater, besides standing erect when on the ground;  at once we are thrown into confusion, asking thousands of questions,which, if answered, will throw us even deeper into confusion, until our informer himself is confused about how to answer, or whether to answer at all.

    So we are left to ponder mysteries until we are ready to understand.

  3. lifes a mystery

    thats what i love about it

  4. Because he has the amazing quality of not existing

  5. because thats what makes him happy! he makes us suffer, gives us diseases like AIDS and cancer, he takes those who are nearest to us away and finally if u do anything fun in this world he sends u straight into his h**l (even if u r a really good person). so no wonder he left everything a mystery. because thats those mysteries that keep him alive. if there was no mystery people wouldn't  try to create a god and associate these mysteries with him.

  6. so the people at yahoo!answers would have something to do

  7. Every creatures has mysteries. Even u have mystery. Some things u hide from other people and the reason is unknown but to urself. Just admit that u do have things hidden somewhere inside u. Sometimes u feel things that even u cant explain even to urself. I mean would u like it if u are opened to the bone to everyone? If u do then just do. Choose whatever u want to ur life. Lets not bother Him with these kinds of questions. Dont u have other better things to do with ur life? Stop provoking. Just believe what u want to believe. So please give Him a little privacy.

  8. we'd no longer have the desire for discovery.. that's kind of boring..

  9. It ain't no mystery to God. Who said It had to tell you anything anyway?

  10. Some things were left unrevealed to enable the human race to utilise their intelligence and find things out for themselves, it is all part and parcel of the mysteries of life. If you knew absolutely everything, your brain would soon wither and die from disuse.

  11. maybe God doesn't know the answers to mysteries too? that's why mysteries are called mysteries. and that's why Yahoo Answers' here to answer your questions.

  12. well it means that our brain is limited, we cant understand it.

  13. he wanted there to be some element of surprise left for us to discover

  14. Simple - God didn't create the universe, he doesn't exist except in religious peoples imaginations.

  15. If a god or a group of gods existed (doubtful) and if said god(s) created all that exist, none of it would be a mystery to said god(s).

    Why would it be necessary for a supposed god to explain everything he/she/it had done or create to one small and relatively unimportant part of that same creation?

    It is assumed by those who believe in such things as god(s) as creator entities that the same is "all knowing" while realizing that humans are not.  Would the human aspect of a creation scheme actually be able to fully understand the mind and reasoning of a being that could create everything?

    By comparison, does the CEO of the company you work for tell you the reason(s) for everything he or she does or does he or she simply allow you to continue to be a "cog in a wheel"?

    Be well and THINK.

  16. It would be a very boring life if we knew all the answers.

    It is good that he left some mysteries.

  17. If "if's" were money we would all be rich.



  19. Perhaps he is like how Adams was -- not even wearing a loin·cloth...

  20. because there is no God.

    God is like santa or the tooth fairy.

  21. because Adam stopped listening, and missed out on the good stuff god said.

    He probably did, the chances of us believing him is like 2%

    There are a lot of things we choose to not believe although there is evidence to prove it right.

    For example we all know OJ killed his wife but yet he got away

  22. To keep you interested and reading all the way to the end.

    It's a Cliff-hanger.

    If he told you at the end of chapter two that the Carpenter did it, there would be no point in going on. You have to be unmotivated to keep searching for answers.

  23. life is a lesson and we learn as we go.  if God came down and yes i would pass out, people wouldn't be sincere in their actions and behaviors and would only be doing good deeds to please God.

  24. There's no such thing as God, you douchickle.

  25. Theists would say, that believing in God is a "matter of faith".  Which I find to be BS!  In the words of famous/infamous "new atheist" Christopher Hitchens: "There is nothing left to be explained, that requires God to explain it."  I believe humans flatter themselves to think that the being that created the universe, made humans special in the cosmos.  But that is half the fun that theists don't see, since we are doing all of this on our own, half the fun is finding the aliens, or the answers, for ourselves.

  26. God is a supreme being.  When He created the entire universe, He only chose the things that He wanted  to reveal to us. The greatest mystery, however, that He has revealed, is Himself through his Son Jesus Christ.

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