
If God doesnt mess with free will..then he wouldnt be all powerful now would he ??

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0 LIKES UnLike pastor is been teaching about the argument of free will...and its confusing the heck out of me cuz both sides have good argument

personally tho i believe God gave us free will and we choose him

but wat do u guys think about that




  1. Fallen man is spiritually dead.  How can a dead man choose anything, least of all to become alive again.  The Bible says:

    "There is no one righteous, not even one;

        11there is no one who understands,

          no one who seeks God.

    All have turned away,

          they have together become worthless;

       there is no one who does good,

          not even one."  Romans 3:11-12

    If there is no one who seeks God, then how does anyone choose God?

    The Bible clearly teaches that there is nothing we can do to secure our own salvation.  God alone saves us.  He is sovereign over all creation.  

    "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will" Ephesians 1:4,5

    See the emphasis in these verses - God chose us, God predestined us, according to God's pleasure and will.

    I see no evidence in the Bible that Man has free will to choose God, and much that says the opposite - that because of sin man cannot choose God.  God has to first remove the sin from us so that we are able to then choose him.

    I know this view is not popular but it is the truth.  It really doesn't bother me that we do not have free will to choose God, because I know if it was left up to me I would s***w it up.  Praise God that he dragged me out of my sins.

  2. What both sides?  Surely, your pastor ain't giving you two sides.  Giving people choices ain't what religion is all about.  Yeah, your god gave you freewill to believe in him or he will throw you in the flames and roast you for all eternity.  Some free will, eh?

  3. If there was such a thing as Omnipotent god he would know everything in advance that you were going to do, so where is the free will?

  4. the fact is that if someone knows in advance every thing you will ever do, then that is determination, not free will.  you can't have free will if you cant surprise someone

  5. What's so confusing about free will. You get to choose. Period.  

  6. Yes he is all powerful but chooses not to interfere and let people choose to reject him or accept him.

  7. With or without freewill, God is all All Powerful, having to control His creation and sustaining it!  

  8. Sure - why would god create a flawed creation and blame his creation for the nature he gave it. Why would god incarnate himself on earth and require his incarnation to die as a sacrifice to himself, in order to forgive his flawed creation for the nature he gave it

  9. No such things as free will from any god.  If there was, then why do believers have to go to church all the time and pray and do all sorts of funny time wasting BS.  They are afraid so there is no free will.

  10. Yes, God gave us free will to choose him or eternal death. what is your question?

    If you're stomach is growling because you're hungry then its your choice to get something to eat. If God already knows you will choose to get the food does that mean that you didn't have the choice? No it just means that he gave you the option, knowing full well which you would choose, but you chose it not him. So us having free will has no bearing on the fact that God knows what we will do before we do it.  

  11. God made earth like a sport.

    In basketball, walking without dribbling is a travel.

    Now officials could change this, but they don't.

    Same thing with God.

    He could change it if he wanted, but why? There's no reason to.

  12. God is just, meaning he is a "FAIR" god

    EX: I may not agree with your decision, but I'll respect it.

  13. fair

  14. If god gave us free will, he would completely stay out of our lives and not judge us according to his own preconcieved standards.  People often say that god actively intervenes in life and does judge our worth to sort us out for the afterlife, so this directly contradicts free will.  But since when is logical contradiction a problem in religion?  They just believe whatever they want anyway.

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