
If God exists can he repair any climate damage with a single thought?

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Poor little Liberals. Oh ye litlefaiths. Forgive them Father, for they have sinned.




  1. What was God's first Command?

    Let there be light  -  Right?

    Are not energy and matter interchangeable?

    Then maybe the first command was also the creation of the whole Universe?   I believe God still speaks today but no one can understand his words or bask in his voice.

    This planet is Much larger than small minds can comprehend - just travel the great distances between these small 'Urban Heat Islands' called cities.

  2. i wish people would stop trying to play God, thinking they are so almighty to to be able to change the freakin earth , the fact is it will always change and always has been . i don't think we would be here if we were a distruction as people think we are ,nature will run its course either way , and no one can stop it

  3. Troll.

  4. No, he couldn't. He gave us free will. That means he will NEVER intervene. And changing the atmosphere? Thats a *huge* interception.

  5. You really are on a rant across the environmental boards, aren't you? make me laugh....such a sad, sad boy.


  6. Excuse me, but I am offended by that liberal comment! To answer your question: No. It's much too complicated for God to get involved. We

    are dug in too deep here (like a tick) & busy destroying our planet...

  7. Well, that's the general idea;  the one you're counting on.  

    Good luck with that.

  8. IF?Yes!

  9. apparently not. If he does exist, where is he? I don't see him, hear him, or feel him.

  10. I'm sure he could do it.  I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to believe I count count or estimate His thoughts.  I haven't read anywhere that God does things by thought waves.  You also might consider that what is happening is part of His plan, if any of the rest of what there is to read about Him is considered to be true.

    Your name calling is highly offensive and insulting.  Shame on you!

  11. Yes, and He already has.  God gave us intelligence for a reason.  Mankind should use His gift of intelligence to solve the problem.

  12. yes

    he can fix everything

    but it's you that are ruining the world for everyone

    if you only had more faith

    global warming would be gone, and Al would be fininshing his second term

  13. Yes.  All he has to do is reduce the energy coming from the sun.

  14. there is no evidence that god exists.  everything in the universe appears as it would if there was no god.  nothing is unexplainable.

  15. god? you mean the old beardy geezer in the dress? lol!

    i should think he will be glad to be rid of us. failed experiment.

    the idea of an anthropomorphic higher being, that can and cares to intervene in human affairs, shows a very immature type of religeon. but what can i expect of a country with thinking so fixed in the 19th century.....

  16. god helps those that help themselves. if i jumped of a cliff would god help me? no because i did not help my self. if we chose to not head the warnings that have been given to us wouldent that be the same as jumping off the cliff?

  17. No, god hates science.

  18. sure

  19. there is no god if good people can die n be murdered 4 5 dollars in there wallet when the druggies n rapers prosper then wheres god i dont c him? ur just naive n scared 2 accept there aint a god

  20. If God exists, it was his idea to begin with (omnipotent and omnipresent, right?).

  21. If he did he would be violating the freewill he gave us to live life - but he stop interfering after he already told us (thrice) to straighten up: first Adam and Eve, moses, then Jesus,  and I'm sure we don't get a 4th strike... lol, I'm no theologist but if god did not want us to succeed, he would not have given us our brains and the power to repel ignorances and learn about all we can. We have the power create changes but we have all resorted to the "pass the buck" mentality and no one ever does anything...

    Lets change that!

  22. Anyone should feel lucky that they not only have existence!! But also given a chance to also show or prove that they want/deserve to be a part in God's plan !! since Adam & Eve ruined things first !!GOD has shown his mercy on a grand scale!!,Mainly through his undeserved mercy!!.All while showing what could take place if we do'nt simply follow his ways & or do his will !! for instance :Murder&Fornication is wrong!!,Extra marital affairs is very wrong!!Stealing,acts of worship to FaLsE s0Oo,`called Gods, betraying other humanking,... Now "At a time that you do not know it to be: The son of man will be here"!." I truly feel s0rrY for the none believers ".!! ... Now maybe this will answer sOmEtHiNg for some !?!.. Oh'. nevermind !!I'll leave whatever it is/was to your paster/minister!etc.<g/l> ,.rRr.,

  23. Why then did he create the earth to see it destroyed by global warming!

  24. I think your idea of God is wrong. God isn't like a person who sits in the sky and thinks that way. Although you may believe so, I think otherwise.

    I think God is more of an entity that represents perfection. God would transcend something as banal as climate change and its effects on humanity. In any case, most religions believe God has left humans free will to do what they'd like to do with the world -- and if self-destruction is something they do unto themselves, so be it.

    I'm an agnostic, by the way.

  25. Its not a question of if he exist because he does or you wouldn't be here asking this question but, God helps those who helps themselves. Basically saying that we have the tools for a cure but, if we dont use the tools available to us then its our own fault what happens and not his. If we keep relying on foreign oil instead of alternative means the war will continue to go on without an end in sight. By helping ourselves to newer and more effeciant ways of doing things we can choke off the supply that feeds the war and gain back our economy instead of being trillions of dollars in debt. Our country was the first to the moon but, could also be the first to manufacture a real solution of alternative energy to not only ourselves but, the world!!! Helping climate damage get better,saving us all more money, and producing less pollution.

  26. God exists only in the minds and thoughts of people.

    So, yes, you can think in a single thought that God exists and that he can repair any climate damage.

    Alleluiah !

  27. God gave us free will, it was man who decided not to respect the planet we are all living on. To the point where it states clearly in the Bible that one should respect the planet and it's creatures, not the call of the almighty dollar.

    If it makes me a liberal to think that there is a finite situation then sure, call me a liberal. Denial will only cause regret.

  28. Of course, IF he exists and he all he is cracked up to be, he can do that.

    But can he make a rock that is so heavy that he can not lift it?

  29. If God could do that and chose not to, would God be just? If the answer to that question is yes, then don't hold your breath.

  30. pshh, he hasn't already, and how could he? plus what's the point, we'd do it all over again.

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