
If God is all knowing why did he create the Devil?

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Christians believe that God is the alpha and the omega and that he is all powerful and all knowing. This means that he knows what you are going to do before you do it. It also means he always knew if you were going to go to heaven or h**l when he created you. I don't understand why he would make you in the first place if he knew you were going to h**l.

What is even more confusing to me is that he created Lucifer even though he knew he would defect and ultimately become Satin as we know him. So my question is why did he do it? If he didn't know then obviously he is not all knowing. If he did know then he purposely created a demon that would torture people for all eternity and bring torment to good people and bad people on earth.




  1. That's why I'm an atheist. Religion is hypocritical. Ha, Satin.

  2. To test our faith?

  3. Even God needs a scapegoat.

  4. Some Hebrew theologians believe God withdraws into Himself. I think God withdraws & allows some things to happen and chooses not to know how it turns out. If He gives us free will, that would make sense because how can we have free will if He already knows? Perhaps it's boring when you know everything.  I'm quite sure demons are real. Why they exist only they and God knows for sure. A rabbi once said a person who has faith has more questions than answers, and a person who has no faith has more answers than questions. Even mother Teresa said when she eventually met God He would have a lot of explaining to do.

  5.   There is no satan and no h**l.  .Why would God create such things? If you want God's truth don't  ask a christian.. They are more lost than you are.  .Read the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch which contain the literal words of the creator God..God bless

  6. Satin serves a purpose also, he scares people into acting good. If there were no Satin then there would be no fear, and without fear lawlessness would ensue.  

  7. thats a good point. thats y im atheist cuz this religion makes no sense to me.  

  8. scary when you think half the population believe this rubbish isnt it ?

  9. "If God is all knowing why did he create the Devil?"

    It doesn't matter how xians explain it, the devil concept it totally insane BUT what can you expect from people who believe in invisible sky creatures?


  10. FREE AGENCY. A most precious  gift god has given us; the right to choose. We were all his spirit children (hosts of heaven) and were sent to earth to develop and be tested. Christ offered to pay for the sins of those who repented, otherwise they would pay for their own, and He would give God the glory, but they were to have their free agency. Satan (Star of the Morning) said  he would force obedience and none would be lost, so he wanted the glory. Christ was chosen so Satan rebelled and was cast down to earth along with a third of the hosts of heaven to become the Devil and his angels, to try and to test us. There is no development without opposition.    

  11. Gods into sadomasochism  

  12. You just can't make sense out of nonsense.

  13. Maybe he just thinks he's perfect.

  14. Naz were you there?? Cuz I dun think you were.

    Satan which means "Opposer" was not created by god, nor did God have any intentions of making him the way he is. God created Lucifer (the angel) But he rebelled, and turned evil (because God gave us Free Choice so we choose for ourselves)  Thus giving him the name Satan or Devil... which means "Slander" or "Opposer"

    So you see, Satan means nothing like Jesus which means "Jehovah's salvation" If he were tied to God in any way, don't you think his name would somehow be like God's family or personality.  Or at least have a positive meaning... Satan as we know him, is nothing like the True God.

    Hope I helped. :)

  15. He didn't.  He created free choice.  He knew what was coming.  Satan thought he had it all wrapped up after Adam and Eve chose disobedience.  There is no greater love than to give your life for someone else.  Jesus died so that we could live in perfect relationship with him.  Life is great with Jesus now, but will get much better.  I'm looking forward to the other side of death, how about you?

  16. The question you're pondering was one that started me on the road away from christianity. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it? I'd saw because god wants us to think of him as good so he needed a patsy, but that doesn't seem very good. It could be he's just bored and wants someone to play a big game of chess with. And why did he put satan in charge? If he's that evil why should he get to punish others for their sins??

    However they justify it, the christian god doesn't exist anyway, and Satan's the most evil in their version of the story. Muslims are the only others who believe in him, and mormons, but their kinda christians.

  17. why cant christians drink when they see a question for the 1,000 time?

    i think i shall........**drink**

  18. the devil was always a good person till he was asked to bow down to adam and he denied it.. thats what i know of in islam.. christianity is a religion that i respect and love because it was brought down from allah but i dont understand it because of all the contradictions that have been added to the bible by man..  

  19. I wanted some company.

  20. Lucifer was an angel but wanted to be like God, he placed himself above God and was kicked out of heaven. God did not make Lucifer to be Satan, you need to read more gezzz

  21. you don't know very much about satan the devil,and that's exactly

    how he wants it,ezekiel 28 vs13 thru 19,and isaiah 14 vs 12thru15

    go to, they have a library that can you can search on line and find the correct answer to you question.

    satan was made perfect and was the most beautiful of all the arc angels as you will read in ezekiel,what about why didn't god destroy satan the second he knew something was wrong ,that answer will shock you ,either way i hope you find the answer that satisfies you because you know the answers your going to get from fools on this site

  22. God creates free will to separate living beings from automatons. Free will without choice is an illusion. Lucifer had a choice--and he chose poorly out of a boiling pride. Having free will is not a defect. Choosing to satisfy your own self-worth is not a defect either. It is what you choose, and suffer consequence for such action. You alone are responsible for your choices. The fact that God backs off to let you choose for yourself is a gift that people abuse--daily.

  23. if satan was in high school, would he be a mean jock, or lik a nerd who takes cruel revenge on bullies?

  24. Satin?

  25. The one who became Satan was originally a perfect spirit son of God. When saying that the Devil “did not stand fast in the truth,” Jesus indicated that at one time that one was “in the truth.” (John 8:44) But, as is true of all of God’s intelligent creatures, this spirit son was endowed with free will. He abused his freedom of choice, allowed feelings of self-importance to develop in his heart, began to crave worship that belonged only to God, and so enticed Adam and Eve to listen to him rather than obey God. Thus by his course of action he made himself Satan, which means “adversary.”—Jas. 1:14, 15

    Adam and Eve make good examples,

    Did perfection require that Adam and Eve be unable to do wrong? The maker of a robot expects it to do exactly what he has programmed it to do. But a perfect robot would not be a perfect human. The qualities viewed as essential are not the same. Adam and Eve were humans, not robots. To humankind, God gave the ability to choose between right and wrong, between obedience and disobedience, to make moral decisions. Since this is the way humans were designed, the inability to make such decisions (and not an unwise decision) is what would have indicated imperfection.—Compare Deuteronomy 30:19, 20; Joshua 24:15.

    For Adam and Eve to qualify as being created perfect, must all their decisions thereafter be right? That would be the same as saying that they had no choice. But God did not make them in such a way that their obedience would be automatic. God granted them the ability to choose, so that they could obey because they loved him. Or, if they allowed their hearts to become selfish, they would become disobedient.

  26. Lucifer was one of his own a beloved angel..he chose another way God gave them free will and like us they made bad decisions..go figure..right up there with the big guy and still not happy.

  27. The Bible describes Lucifer's original creation and position in heaven and his relationship with God as one of extreme beauty, intimacy, trust, power and responsibility. It was Lucifer's pride and rebellion that got him banished from heaven. In his hate for God, he wages war against his most beloved children. Satan's attitudes and actions are a result of his own free will in response to who God is. Please don't blame God. Satan, as with mankind, has been given the free will to accept or reject God's love. Without this ability, love would not be love at all, for it would be coerced or forced, as opposed to being our choice and freely given. God does not force anyone to love him, so free will must exist. The liability of free will is always that one may choose hate over love and evil over good. God's foreknowledge of people's choices (his omniscience) does not mean that he caused them to make that choice. It only means he acts and plans with the foreknowledge of the heart, mind, will and the future that only God can know. He didn't choose Adam's and Eve's sin and rebellion, He just knew what they would do in that situation, and therefore made forgiveness for that sin (and yours) possible by sending His Son to earth to live a sinless life that would uniquely qualify him to pay the penalty of sin, which is death (both physicall and spiritual) on your behalf. He rose from the grave on he 3rd day - proving He is God- and offers that pardon from sin to all who will admit that they are sinners separated from a hoy God and unable to save themselves.

    h**l was never intended for God's children. it was prepared as the place of eternal punishment for Satan and his demons due to their rebellion. God created heaven as the eternal destination for his children. Since every soul will live forever, then they will live in one of the only two places where eternity will exist - heaven or h**l. Since God has made heaven a place where no sin will be allowed to corrupt it's perfection, then only those who have had their sin forgiven and who are, therefore, holy can enter there. Holiness cannot be earned, it can only be granted by the One who is holy - that is the Creator, God. If that offer of forgiveness that "qualifies" one to enter heaven is rejected, then the only other eternal option is separation from God in the darkness and torment of h**l. So, you see, God does not send any of His beloved children to h**l. Since they have rejected His offer of paradise, then they choose the only other alternative themselves. He simply says "YES", for all eternity, to the demand that they have been making of Him all along, that is, "Leave me alone", "Stay out of my life". God will not force anyone to live under his rule, so he grants them their wish and sends them to the eternal separation that they have demanded all along. So why is God to blame for simply granting them the desire of their heart?

    And how about you? Where do you want to spend eternity. That decision is made in this life, not the next. Will you enter into a Christless eternity forever aware of the love that God has for you but forever unable to receive it due to your eternal rejection of that love? Or will you accept a God who loves you so much that He sent His Son to die on your behalf so you could know the His love and the abundant, eternal life that He intended for you to enjoy?

    If you would like to discuss how to enter in to this relationship with God, or if you have more questions, you can email me at

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