
If God is omniscient, why does He need to test mankind??

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If God is omniscient, why does He need to test mankind??




  1. Sunnis follow Sunnah of AbuBaker and Umer blindly and reject the Sunnah of Rasooolallah (saww)

  2. to filter who is righteous and who is not,who is hypocrite and who is not.based on the choices he/she made for his/her own salvation.

    humans are free to chose

  3. for our own reference. When we get thrown into h**l and ask Allah "why?" our life is proof to us why we got what we deserved.

  4. simply because it is his will

  5. Yes, Allah is omniscience. He created men knowing they are  going to  disobey him and knowing he's going to have to kill them and their children in the Great Flood.

  6. Allah has told us what is before and after us..He had made us known all what was left behind and all what is waiting for us..THEN,Allah has given us freedom what to do...

    If not otherwise,it would be stupid to belive that "Allah is making fun of us,bcoz he knows what we are going to do tomorrow".

    No,its not that way..He has told us we choose our way..To goodness,or to evill..


    just my silly thoughs

  7. God is not only omniscient; He is also omnipotent.  

    Not only does He know what will happen in the future.  He can also make it happen or make it not happen.

    To complicate matters, He has given us free will; and He can also suspend His own powers of omniscience and omnipotence in particular cases or across the board for particular periods of time, during which He cannot predict outcomes nor make them happen or not happen.  

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