
If God is real ????

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Why did God create life then tell life about how God created it? Isnt that just showing off

Why then also make rules? Or go to h**l

No one asked to be born so why should we live a life of rules to please our creator we never asked for giving us life in the first place?

If God really were a nice thing why is God letting Satan build h**l and take Gods creations to h**l?

Once again I resolve the concept of religion as saying Life is a game of God's nothing more nothing less.




  1. god is the hero of the fiction novel the bible. i dont care if someone believes in him just dont shove that god bull down my throat. also the bible contradicts its self like a million times its nothing new. ppl just NEED something to believe in thats all it dosent mean he actually exists is just a way of life ppl feel like they need to be apart of.

  2. God wants us to believe in him... Thus the reason for the bible. I mean If I made the earth and universe, I'd want to tell about it! (you know you would to!)

    He made the earth and the stars! So of course we worship him!

    Make rules so we will/will not go to h**l? It was Adam and Eve's fault we have sin, or else we would've had a sinless life.  

  3. Why does God have to die to satisfy his own requirement for bringing people into heaven when it was clearly in his power to begin with?

  4. god is a man made deity.

  5. there is no h**l, just the grave

    we obey his commandments for the same reasons we obey the laws of the country you live in. Its whats asked for us to do from a superior authority.

    God is the ultimate authority its because of him that any of this here.  

  6. I think you better ask Him.

  7. God is imaginary.

  8. Well it depends on what "god" you are referring to. Albert Einstein, who I assume you know is a great scientist, referred to God as a "Spinoza's God". That meaning that God exists, but doesn't interfere with the doings of Mankind. Albert Einstein also famously stated, "The Lord is subtle. Malicious, he is not". But that's on the argument of this Deistic God that he speaks of.

    Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) tend to describe God as this "overseer" and is heavily influenced with the doings of Mankind, yet also transcendent and remote. These religions view God like a Father, and we are his children.

    Like I said, it all depends on what you see as "God". That being the case, this question can not be answered. Can water be ice and gas  simultaneously? Religions try and interpret the nature of God. Religion is wrong. Science is wrong. Both change and adapt over time as our knowledge of the world expands. Of course, Richard Dawkings would probably dismiss me as a crazy psychopath, but I'm not here to convert...just to answer.  

  9. he didnt do it to show off, he did it because he wants people to believe in him, since alot of people dont, and he did h**l, because he proofed it for people that ther is God, but people didnt want to believe. and i think every1 should worship god, and thank him for creating us the way we are

  10. You were created for God's pleasure and not your pleasure.  God wants children to love Him and not reject Him.

    Satan is a destroyer and not a builder.  God made heaven.  God made h**l for the fallen angels and Satan.

    God gives you a choice.  You can make the best choice or you can make the worst choice.  God is the Potter and you are the clay.  God can make good pots and God can make bad pots.

    God clearly tells us in Scripture that He will do as He pleases.

    Isaiah 46:8-10

    "Remember this, and show yourselves men:

    bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors.

    Remember the former things of old:

    for I am God, and there is none else;

    I am God, and there is none like me.

    Declaring the end from the beginning,

    and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,

    saying, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure."

    How plain and simple can God say it.  The Word of God will stand  and God will fulfill every bit of it.  God will do as He pleases and there is nothing man can do about it.  That is All Powerful, Almighty, and man tries so hard to limit God and God is limitless in power and creation.  Has not the Hubble Telescope shown you the universe?  God says that you are without excuse not to believe in Him.

  11. Well that straightens things out, now how do you propose to stop it?

  12. God put us here to test the strength of the cast He created us with. He allows Satan to torment us, to make sure the cast He made is good and strong and will with stand all temptation and torments still praising, glorifying and worshipping His almighty presence giving the very free will He bestowed on us back to Him and to only do His will. We are not all good so through the test of life, we are weeded out good and bad and put in the place of eternity worthy of our soul.

  13. If you had a single CLUE what you what you were talking would know that God  (supposedly) created everything in the universe..............and that includes Satan and h**l.

    Satan , after all, was cast OUT of Heaven.........which implies that he was one of Gods creations and lived there, before he wore out his welcome.

    At least get the fables RIGHT, before you attempt to discredit them.  

  14. It's not about keeping rules and avoiding h**l.

    It is about relationship.  Man has lost his relationship with God and God has provided a way for us to return to Him.  All we have to do is believe and accept His pardon....that simple.

    If you do not wish to be with God and have a relationship with Him then you will have your wish......that simple.

    All you have to do is choose.

    You seem to have chosen already.

  15. If there is a god, it is apparent his sick plan is for people to either suffer or worship him.  

  16. Ah,

    Just for you to know the truth

    There have to be a purpose for life otherwise we will miss the peaceful path of happiness so we want to be just better everyday

    So, spiritually, what is God? , What’s makes God as god? , What is God’s Power? , For all sort of these questions, I have very limited understanding so Let me give you the point. Well, just try to know, what’s makes God as god, the Power, isn’t it? So what the power can do? Ah? Well, it can give the ability to organise all things & it can give the ability to separate everything and most importantly, the Ability to control everything, isn’t it? Isn’t it good? Ah? So, what I try to say here is, from my hard study and research effort with the help from god, I realized that the ability to control everything, the Power of God is gradually increased in the full amount to use so; The Power of God is always the omnipotent and existed among everything. & The God now is always the same omnipotent for us, who is organised us and we are growing towards perfection. The perfection is the final stage, not the end. & The Power of God, the Ability is the reward for us to control everything in a proper manner, like the true God of goodness. & Everlasting Happiness is the final stage. & it cannot come alone without the final stage perfection of God. & if god always perfect in perfection then there have to be beginning with God for the organizing progress of all things. So, there is No end and also No beginning for all things, including this on going organizing progress. So we cannot get anything from nothing. & how could that be possible to be perfect in perfection always, ah…? No way has the perfection of god come first or the growth towards perfection. There is No End and there is No beginning and so the Ability is for the Love of Joy & ~ LOVE IS THE ABILITY ~

    If you don’t still agree, then note this important point: - you can use any thing for Good or Bad so, whenever possible If you ask the god for the good reason to give you the ability perfection, because of your obedience, then the God will give you, if the god is good and Almighty. Simple logical prove (the evidence) for this concept. So,

    If you are humble, please... Pray to know the truth from true God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with great faith and. Good in Bad & Bad in Good so the values are most important. God gave us the rights to do what is right for you & sometimes, things can be right in your point of view but wrong in Public point of view so Basically, just pray about it for the Good Answer and try to do the God's will first always & If you think, why so much trouble and pain in this world…? Then there is only one reason, without pain, No pleasure and without pleasure, no pain. So without them, we cannot enjoy this life so always we need them in our development towards the perfection of God. So-so you use pain and pleasure instead of pain and pleasure use you. I mean the vision of your future should be clear & it have to pull you rather than you have to push so you must link a lot of pleasure in order to succeed in the Best job. When you feel strong enough links a lot of pleasure in your subconscious mind and your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. & It is wonderful nature for us by the true God. And we all make mistakes so it is hard to look for star in daylight. So just in faith… it is possible. Like that the faith in true God. &  If you think, even expert can be wrong then you have to make the fine research in all most everything so It is hard and some time, it is impossible to achieve so Why we need inappropriate action to find the owner of higher power? So, because of Lack of faith in true God, we do not have the great gift of understanding of things. & All things are spiritually first, to govern by God with glory so closely, Have a look at this world of wonders of yours and then you know the truth, when you listen to your real voice and then Having a strong desire to do the best every day then stick with the best to do your best. And most importantly, try to be grateful for what you have now & try to know where you come from to have the great gift of understanding and then, have the faith to become the best winner in your life. & The Law of mercy cannot rob the Law of justice so Justice demands the punishment of our sin but The Law of mercy requires the forgiveness to give to us and God is perfect in perfection so cannot violate his laws so The God provided the way to our salvation to overcome our sin so Jesus Christ sacrifice is much needed to return to live with God, so Jesus Christ is our savior.

    Well, It is the time to make the great decision.

    Good luck.

    The power is focus with the great mindset

    If you are interested, Please visit to the web side  & if you find this useful, please help others. Thanks.

  17. Makes sense, also you worhsip him here you die and worship him eternally.

  18. Really, the "Nobody asked to be created" line is getting old. Have you thought about the utter absurdity of such a statement? How is it possible to ask what doesn't exist whether or not it wants to exist? Could something that didn't exist if answer a question? If this is grounds for some immoral action, then perhaps you should begin by condemning you parents, too, since they never asked whether you wanted to be born or not. Still, all this rant does is stimulate emotions of anger but, fortunately, it doesn't show, in any logical way, that what God did was wrong.  

  19. In order to know about God... you got to believe in Him. Believe in His word.

    If you don't... whatever I say.. won't sink in your already " i have made up my mind god is not real" brains.

  20. He is fiction.
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