
If God is so loving, why does he let people die of diseases...?

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... such as cancer, brain tumors, etc.? If he's so good why doesn't he help people live through them?




  1. What papaalw says is truth and is your answer.


    "Death came into this world because of sin, we all die.

    The important thing now is to receive Jesus as Lord and thereby have your sins forgiven and receive eternal life when He returns."

    Excellent simple post by papaalw.

    I would add only that a loving God of love hates to see such suffering and diseases.  But he created man a magnificent being in his own image to find the cures for such diseases.  And God uses the love of people and hard work and intelligence of people to search out the cures and help the patients.  That is a loving God in action because God created human beings to behave in this fashion.

  2. Well either He isn't there. He doesn't care, or they just weren't worth "saving"!

    Since innocent infants also suffer & die, I guess we can rule out the third of those possibilities!

  3. people since the beginning of time have been created to go through struggle and hardship. if you do not feel, what is the point of life?

    God teaches lessons, if not to those who die, to those who mourn when others die.

    In short, He works in mysterious ways.

  4. He is not good. He represents all that is evil.

  5. we live in a fallen world thats why.  

  6. Because he doesn't exist.

    Assumption (1): God exists.

    Assumption (1a): God is all-knowing.

    Assumption (1b): God is all-powerful.

    Assumption (1c): God is perfectly loving.

    Assumption (1d): Any being that did not possess all three of the above properties would not be God.

    Premise (2): Evil exists.

    Premise (3): An all-knowing being would be aware of the existence of evil.

    Premise (4): An all-powerful being would be able to eliminate evil.

    Premise (5): A perfectly loving being would desire to eliminate evil.

    Conclusion (6): Evil does not exist. (from (1),(3),(4),(5))

    Contradiction: But evil does exist. (from (2))

    Conclusion (7): There is no being that is all-knowing, all-powerful, and perfectly loving. (from (2),(3),(4),(5))

    Conclusion (8): God does not exist. (from (7),(1d))

  7. God has created our bodies to be frail.  We all die.  But God is loving in that He gives you time to learn of Him, repent, confess His name and to be baptized for the removal of those sins.

  8. Jehovah God is not to blame for human suffering. In the garden of eden Satan lied to Eve stating that we would become like God, therefore we would have no need for him. People suffer now because of that. Adam and Eve chose to be disobedient. And God being just has allowed mankind to prove to all what happens when mankind directs his own step. Jehovah is forced to do this to prove not just to humankind but also to Angel-kind that man cannot govern himself. That way after Jehovah removes all wickedness and restores mankind to his and her original place as perfect beings no one will ever be able to say what the devil said again because it will already have been proven thru the thousands of years we lived in turmoil. This is why we suffer. This is why there is war and sickness and disease and death. Because our original parents disconnected themselves from God. And Jehovah does help people with Illnesses. He helps them to cope with them. He does not miraculously cure people now because it is not his time to do so. But we are living in the time of the end. Jehovah's witnesses have been preaching from door to door and from person to person trying to reach those whom are disposed to listen and want to live in that paradise to come.

    Revelation 21:3-4    "With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them.  And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

  9. Apparently because either God doesn't care, can't intervene for some reason, or just simply doesn't exist.

  10. He doesn't. Let me get you started some people need to stop smoking,second hand smoking, and being in promiscuous sexual relationships that reap cancer and diseases.

  11. god loves death as it turns out, see..


  13. People die of many things, if nobody died we would have run out of room on this planet a long time ago.  

  14. People can prevent most illnesses living right, eating healthily, not drinking, taking drugs, not engaging in un-protected s*x or any s*x at all, being careful and taking life seriously. But if its your time to die...its your time to die. Everyone's death is written...but it will be quicker than you know.. if you let it.

  15. Death came into this world because of sin, we all die.

    The important thing now is to receive Jesus as Lord and thereby have your sins forgiven and receive eternal life when He returns.

  16. you are right GOD is very loving.people die with different diseases because the start eating the food in un natural way like junk food and useing more chemicals to produce the food.and living in plooted admosphere.GOD give them the brain but they never use.who ask the people to fight each other and kill for no reason? thanks.

  17. Remeber we came to earth to suffer

  18. Heaven is the place where He can make it up to us if we ever suffer here

  19. It was Adam's decision to sin and as a result sin is passed on to us.  Diseases are the result of the transgressions of man.  We s***w the world up that He gave us with all of our pollution and then want Him to hurry up and come fix it miraculously.  Why, so we can just keep on doing it?  These "scientists" that you are so proud of work tirelessly to increase the killing capabilities of their creations.  We burn enormous holes in the ozone layer with these d**n rockets and they push the Earth a little further off its axis each time, pushing us a little closer to the Sun and then you want to blame that on God, too.  All you do is wine, blame God, and use Him as your scapegoat.  You want to ask a good question?  Ask why you keep doing this sh*t to us all.

  20. Why do you assume it is His fault?

    It is really man and Satan's collectively.  It was Adam & Eve who rejected God's authority and Satan who lied about the consequences.  their descendants have done little to be proud of in coming under God's authority either.

    So God has allowed Satan to rule with man trying to rule themselves with every form of government and failing miserably.  This will not go on indefinitely.

    Fortunately for all those who do submit to God's Right to Rule His Creations and for those who never had the chance to make a choice, God does have power to resurrect the dead.  (Acts 24:15)  Is that not marvelous?  So even if they have died of diseases and murders, they can be restored to perfect health and happiness, just as the Bible promises.  (Rev. 21:4)

  21. Everyone dies.

  22. That's just how he rolls.

  23. God wants us  to live forever in a better world.  We place to much value in this temporal world which is like a blink of an eye compared to eternity.

  24. Because god doesn't exist. People will ask for things their entire life. Never get it. But when one thing goes right, oh it had to be god, even though god ignored everything else the person prayed for.  

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