
If God is the first cause of all existence, then isn't man's sinful nature attributable to him? ?

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Theists believe that God created everything, or that at least he was the initial cause that created all the elements and environment necessary for the world to evolve into what it is. If that is the case, isn't every single one of man's foibles and shortcomings the result of God's explicit intentions? Hence, isn't the notion of free will farcical? I mean if God is the ultimate cause of all existence, then the strength of our will to resist sin, or the susceptibility of our will to acquiesce to the temptation of sin, is the result of the ultimate cause/designer of our will -which is God. Hence, isn't God (assuming he exists) ultimately culpable for our mistakes, and hence isn't it the epitome of cruelty for God to condemn us for things that he brought to fruition? The engineer only has himself to blame if the building he built wasn't strong enough to withstand a storm, especially if he was fully aware of the environment he was building in. The carpenter only has himself to blame if he didn't build the chair strong enough to withstand the weight of a man, if he already knew how heavy that man would be. Why can't theists, who love to take inferences from the world to "prove" God's existence, acknowledge the accuracy of the aforementioned inferences concerning God's ultimate responsibility for all that is wrong in the world?




  1. God created peacful world and Good world, Adam and Lucifer ruined it, Adam ate the fruit and Adam was the "man" of the world and Lucifer turned away from The God and was thrown away from the Heaven. Got the name "Fallen Angel" and Devil, was thrown to earth! Thats the problem!

    God Bless You

  2. too many Cheeeees ...thought you were someone else

    You're saying God cannot be All Loving. Yes? I agree. God established the basis for justice and commanded His creatures to obey it.

    Anyone who rejects that....well, criminality has a different destination from justice, whatever label people apply to themselves.

    Why would He reward those addicted to crime the same as the ones who strove for justice? Some are made for h**l. So no all-loving.

    Heaven and h**l can just as easily be called Success and Failure.

    Our sinful natures attributable to Him...that's fair enough. But so are our virtuous natures. So?

    His knowing the ends is not the same as forcing our decisions and doesn't free us from the responsibility for them. Success can only be attained by effort. That's what life here is for.

  3. I agree. If there is no sin in Heaven, then obviously constructions can be built without sin. So why not do so?

    If you can build a bird house out of nice birchwood, you wouldn't use rotten leaves and dogshit instead.

    Edit: Look at all the "free will" apologists missing the point of the question. GOD has free will doesn't he? And he is without sin, isn't he? So when he made us "in his image" why not also make us "of his nature?"

  4. yep

  5. I agree with Leo, the real problem is belzebooooob.

    Actually as a deist I don't know the nature of God - I certainly don't believe in the Abrahamic monster of the Bible.  I think classic deist thought would suggest that God doesn't get involved.  Which sounds about right to me.

    PS.  belzebooooob?

  6. No. Because you are free to do as you will or as God wills, therefore you are the one who makes the choice and must live with the consequences. The reason is because you, that is your spirit and intelligence has always existed.  

  7. Yes! Thank you!

    If God created everything, he also created sin, illness and hardship - it was all his doing, so what makes anyone think he's going to fix it because you prayed?

    This is reason #1 to NOT believe in God

  8. Hinduism has answer for this.See three things are eternal.GOD (one) souls(countless not with in the mathematical count)and matrix.God is having self wisdom but souls r having wisdom but covered with ignorance.So to remove the ignorance God created the world from matrix which does not has any wisdom and make creatures to live.So all deeds r yours,not God's.It is not as simple as this.U have to gain lot of knowledge from Guru.

    Read Bagavat Geetha.Read Saiva Siddantha.

  9. Why do some with an extensive vocabulary have such difficulty understanding the concept of "free" as in "free-will"? A free-will being has an opportunity to learn from the consequences of his own actions. Kind of reminiscent of the idea of choosing to know good and evil by the performance of some action. But, I digress. To get back to the point of free-will, it seems the challenge might be one of mentally connecting a causative act in the distant past to a currently happening effect. It could even be the point of such an education that one can not see all of the consequences of an act and would be better advised to follow directions from one who can. While such an education might come at extreme pain, I fail to see "cruelty" on the part of the creator when instruction was offered that would avoid such consequences, but was refused!  Theoretically, I fail to see the logic that a created being is qualified to offer constructive criticism to the one that, not only created it, but the very mind that it uses to offer such ....."help". Either the evil is the result of free-will, or it isn't. Maybe free-will doesn't exist and you really have no choice but to write this tripe!

  10. No it not God's fault its the rebellion you inherited from exterminas,satan,belzebooooob whatever you want to call it.God bless all

  11. Believers will lead you to believe that all evil and wrongdoing is committed by the devil and the devil only.

  12. This *might* make sense only if you believe in an anthropomorphic, authoritative demiurgic deity in the schema of theological dualism. Guess what, there are  many more definitions of deity, origination, emanation, creation, and self and existence and ideologies about "sin" and nescience than that posited by Abrahamic religions or Christian fundamentalists. Your argument would not make sense in relation to other, especially nondualist, spiritual systems (and some religions are technically non-theistic).

  13. Uh, no.

  14. Don't you bring your logic into their faith, it's rude!

  15. exactly

  16. Man came forth from God's hand perfect in his nature.  In spirit, mind and body, we reflected the glory of the Creator.  However, He did give us free will and with that free will it becomes our responsibility to make good choices.  But we screwed it all up and have been hatin' on God ever since.  

  17. He took responsibility for all that is wrong in the world by sending His Son, Jesus, to pay for it all.  It is done now... we are reconciled to our Creator, and nothing separates us any longer... because Jesus, the Savior of all men, paid the price.  We are back in the Garden, so to speak, in the spiritual sense.  Relationship with God is totally restored.

  18. God created everyone with free-will!

    So the sin you have is b/c of your own self!  So don't blame it on GOD!!

    And for people who claim that he isn't real you surly can't stop talking about him!  Don't be angry that he is blessings our life!

  19. correction to mr MxXx up there but it was Eve who seduced Adam into eating the apple.  just saying dont be dissing adam like that :)

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