
If God made us in his figure, does he (or she) have b***s or Something Downstairs?

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Just curious?




  1. God doesn't need those ... thingies.

    He can create anything from nothing and give it life through His Breath.

    God gave us those parts and stuff so we can be fruitful and reproduce, The Bible states God says this to Abraham, I make your offspring as numerous as the stars of the night sky... something along those lines.

  2. he doesn't have a body period.he is spirit person.

  3. Jesus was 100% Divine/100% human. He was definitely a man.

  4. No.

    It means we have been given the ability to love, exercise justice, use wisdom and display power. That is how we are made in God's image. It has nothing to do with "looking" like God. Or whether he looks like us.

    Expressing these qualities is something that animals really cannot do. Animals are basically born with their innate qualities.  Man has to learn his and can build on them, and even pass them to the next generation.

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