
If God says only those who accept Him will get into Heaven, what about those who never heard of him?

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Will they automatically go to h**l just because they do not they God? Some people have never accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior only for the simple fact they don't know who He is or never been preached to. Especially those who live in Third World Countries and even in the U.S.. Will God really punish those who haven't heard of him?




  1. What about those who hear of him from someone who has bad info and screws up the story?

    Then if they still  believe in Jesus do they get extra points in heaven, cause they believed inspite of the screwed up story?

    If I preach that Jesus was a fat dwarf who wore a plaid skirt and a straw hat, and carried a lawn chair and sat on street corners reading from a scroll made of pizza dough -- oh h**l, never mind.

  2. This is a somewhat difficult question. The acceptance/denial of Jesus isn't necessarily recognizing Him as the man on the cross, though.

    There were isolated tribes in africa or south america who are taught the bible by missionaries, and they say that they always knew that there was a truth that they were looking for, they just didn't know what it was yet.

    I believe that even for people who die before hearing the bible, they still either accept or deny Jesus' salvation, even though they don't consciously know what it is.

  3. This will baffle christians, but they say something like, after death that person gets their chance...when they meet him, they get a chance to believe in him... right ok than...

  4. Although Jehovah's Witnesses have obviously not spoken to every individual on the face of the earth, they are quite active in China (underground of course), Singapore, all Muslim countries (they have been in Afghanistan but perhaps not at the moment, but definitely Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc.) and even Mongolia. And they have covered Africa. (There are over 140,000 in Zambia and over 285,000 in Nigeria alone.) So many over the face of the earth are being reached with the message of Christ.

    But for those who do not, or haven't had the opportunity in the past (perhaps American Indians, Aztecs, and Mayas as an example), if they have died, they will be given a resurrection (Acts 24:15) to give them a full opportunity.

    For those in the present, Jesus, who has been given the responsibility to judge all mankind, will judge on their potential, based on their heart condition at the time of judgment. He can read their heart and know how they would react if given full opportunity to know.

    No one is ever punished indiscriminately by Jehovah God. He even sent prophets to foreign nations to let them know where they stood. Jonah went to Nineveh and they responded to his message. Noah was called a preacher of righteousness. Obadiah went to Edom.

    We need to trust in the justice of our God. "All his ways are justice." - Deuteronomy 32:4

  5. Some people are just born to the wrong circumstances.

    Be it:

    The wrong part of Earth

    The wrong Galaxy

    Childhood indoctrination to another religion

    Scientifically inclined

  6. Church teachings, not those of the Lord Jesus Christ, but those of the minds of men. That's why they don't make sense. Man is imperfect. Man seldom makes sense. If the teachings were of Him They could not help but to make sense. Despite Christian teachings, Perfect Beings actually do do things in a Perfect Fashion, go figure.

  7. Jesus is a lie.

    Deist American with a B.A. in Anthropology (Archaeology)

    Evolution is the only truth.

  8. Some will say they do not go to h**l, but that raises another question.

    If that is true, then wouldn't silence be the best service?

  9. my god is smart enough to know that many people give lip service to the teachings of their religion without actually living by it's teachings

    my god places more importance on how i live my life from day to day than he does to what i say

    my god sits on top of a mountain.  there are many paths up the mountain - christianity, judaism, islam, hinduism, buddhism, taoism, etc.  my god doesn't care how you climb the mountain.  he just wants you to try

  10. they have a chance to go threw the judgment. people who have excepted Jesus skip the judgment and go straight to heaven.

  11. There will be no-one who has never heard of Him.

    Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.  

    The Gospel is being taken into every country at this moment.  By way of bibles that are being printed in every language.  By Bible tracts also printed in every language.  Many smuggled into countries because believers in those countries would be tortured or killed if it was known they were Christians. By satelite TV.  By word of mouth.  By videos smuggled into villages for folk to watch. The majority of the tithes (money church members give to their church) is being spent on getting the gospels preached to all nations.  

    God will not allow anyone to not hear His plan for them.

  12. Everyone is born with the knowledge of a higher power. I think Romans chapter 1 answers this pretty good

  13. The Bible says the world won't end until the 4 corners of the earth have been reached w/ the gospel. Therefore, everyone will have an opportunity to accept or reject Christ in this life.

  14. Our job as Christians is to reach those people, yet there will be a few who still havent been in contact with a Christian and not had the opportunity to hear.  

    God states, I have forgotten the verse though, that He will deal with those people and judge them according to His will.  Do not worry, our God is a loving God, and He knows the hearts and minds of men.  

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