
If God was a Republican, would he have given you the ability to “choose”?

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...just askin'...




  1. Well if you look at history Republicans are traditionally the good guys. Republicans freed the slaves and all.

    Its only recently that Republicans are viewed as the baddies just because of the Iraq war.  

  2. Um whose god? Christian god? Jewish god? Islamic god? Zeus, Thor, Athena?

    Although I am pretty sure free will is a part of most religious teachings, so yes there would be choice. I don't see what it has to do with being a republican.

  3. We have our choices and we choose to carry our flag !  

  4. between the sanctity of life and murdering someone ?

  5. Doesn't matter and He HAS given all of us the ability to choose. To choose to live for Him and to follow Him or to do  it our own way and pay the wages of sin -- death

  6. No. Voting for anyone but the republican candidate is a sin.

    Won't someone think of the children?

  7. If God was Republican this would be a world of pre-determination, where white heterosexual Christian men ran the world, got all the money and the glory for it, went to heaven, and all the other marginalized folks suffered for eternity.

  8. I think so...

    God's cool with that kinda stuff

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