
If God was so smart why did it take a human to invent a can opener ?

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If God was so smart why did it take a human to invent a can opener ?




  1. GOD never ate out of a can.

  2. they had cans back then

  3. LOL...

  4. God did invent the can opener....I think it was in Psalms

  5. Im like "what?"

  6. God doesn't exist, that could be why.

  7. Because humans invented cans.  

  8. Um because they didn't have CANS when GOD walked the earth!!!!!

  9. At least he,she, it, was smart enough to know where to put ears before glasses were invented.

  10. Or a can, for that matter. ;)

  11. Well we couldn't leave everything up to God.  

  12. He was smart enough to make a human that could invent a can opener.

  13. Because a human invented the can/tin.

  14. Probably for the same reason it took man to invent god.

  15. maybe god doesnt like tinned food lol

  16. Simply because man also invented the can!

  17. lmfao

  18. God did it first, he just didn't want us to eat all the soup.

  19. Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself couldn't eat it? - Homer Simpson

  20. because god was busy with the smiting  

  21. Humans invented cans

  22. god made the brain that thought it up- god put the thought in that brain

  23. Are you proposing that God has the capacity to make man, but man can outwit God by making can openers?

    I like that logic.

  24. What kind of intelligent being would invent something He doesn't need? Man needs can openers, but God lacks for nothing.

  25. GOD is the smartest of all. Humans may be the one who invented the can opener but it was God who created humans in the first place.


  26. All inspirations and inventions are inspirations of God and God gives us enough knowledge and sense to do simple things by ourselves.

  27. Yeah, but God invented humans. So, if your saying that a can opener is better than a human than ok.

  28. First smart man invented the can which was made out of lead.  Many people died.  Royalty who drank wine out of their fancy leaden cups went insane.  At least the commoners were protected.  The mad leading the sane.

  29. God gave man the intellect to enable him to invent the can opener; after all, if he'd provided everything ready-made what would there have been left to test man's ingenuity?!

  30. God gave humans the skill to invent things like that.

    Or perhaps he was just taking bets to see how long it would take, lol.

  31. In case you hadn't looked around, God is a fan of letting us live our own lives.  His direct intervention has been limited - and who's to say he didn't give the idea to the inventor?

    (And, since this is an obviously atheist question, watch the thumbs down and hostility come flying in 3...2...1...)

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