
If God were not there, how could the creation logically be possible?

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  1. Cosmology theorists combined with the observations of their astronomy colleagues have been able to reconstruct the primordial chronology of events known as the big bang. Their predictions and theories regarding the origin and the state of the universe have either been observed and confirmed and/or not proven to be false.

  2. Well in order to create all you need is an observer. Why ? In quantum mechanics microstates , such as the initial primordial state were in quantum states. Clearly an observation needed to be made in order to bring about the Big Bang. The expansion of the big Bang was fuelled by entropy...Order-> chaos the natural directional pointer of our own universe and we haven't run out of entropy because we create order ourselves in the universe. Evolution feeds our supply of entropy because it creates ordered states Chaos->Order.

    It occurs to me you need an initial observer:God

  3. This chap says it better than I ever could:

    Logically, something can come from nothing.

  4. In my view, logic points to the contrary. It points to a strong possibility that there is no creation, that there is only transformation. The constancy of change gives us an illusory idea as though with every change something old is destroyed and something new is created. There is absolutely nothing before us to logically presume that anything can ever be created out of nothing. That is why even if we believe in God as the Original Creator, we have no other logical option but to suppose that God Himself was not created, that His existence is eternal. In my view therefore, the creation logic to support the existence of God is flawed. If God could be presumed to be existent forever, it should be equally possible to presume that the entire existence of everything (we may call it Nature or Universe) could similarly have been forever, never needed to have been created, and ever changing and transforming thereby giving us an illusory idea of a dynamics, which however, essentially amounts to zero creation or zero destruction.

    I think that those who believe in God should never make the mistake of testing it out through logic....... if God exists, He is certainly not bound by our limited logic to be properly explained or understood through our logical thinking.

  5. I don't know of an answer to that question, because you use the word "creation."

    Creation implies a creator. I think by the time you get done looking at creation to see what characteristics a being must have to have created it, you'll wind up with the God of Abraham...only without using the Bible.

  6. Creation is not 'logically' possible regardless of God's existence.

    Logic is a reflection of the Natural Law (aka the Logos).  Which is to say it derives from the EXISTANT  Universe and so does not govern a transition from non-existence.

    Specifically, Logic is CAUSE & EFFECT whereas

    Creation OR 'The beginning of Existence' is FIRST CAUSE.  

    Which is to say, 'The beginning of Existence' is a cause without prior effect and hence NOT logical.

    Saying God was the cause of Creation is to posit a greater inexplicable complexity as explanation for a lesser one.  

    Although this seemingly evokes Occam's razor to shave God from existence, our effort of faithlessness is unmanned because logic cannot be applied to the inherent illogic of First Cause.  

    Specifically, one cannot logically infer a lesser complexity is 'more logical' than a greater one, when neither is 'logical' at all

    If we step away from the illogical moment of creation, the physical laws governing the Universe (Logos) appear to be quite 'primal'.  

    Which is to say it takes an act of faith to assume the Logos is intelligent.  (aka God)

    However if we assume the Logos lacks intelligence we are left with Darwinism which posits that the effect of Natural Law on energy-space-time is to create intelligence.

    Which really makes the assumption that the Logos both lacks intelligence AND has NOT generated a Supreme Being,  as much an act of faith as presuming it has.

    Simply put, this means Logic is NOT up to the task of proving OR refuting the existence of God.

  7. Your proposition used to be termed "The First Cause Theory".  Christian philosophers and theologians agreed that, whatever caused things in the first place, it would be 'fair enough' to call this force "God".

    It is, in reality, a huge concession made by theologians, and virtually abandons most of their obstinately fought positions on a lot of things.   The proposition does not try to define God, or to give any Biblical references.    "Whatever caused things in the beginning, we agree to call this 'cause' God."

    These people gave a sigh of relief, and congratulated themselves on, once more, earning intellectual credibility.

    Betrand Russel, hearing of the First Cause argument, hardly drawing breath, simply retorted.    "In all of our experience, things have had a cause, a starting point.   However, there is no good argument that the universe ever had a 'beginning'.   If Infinity is actually a real quality, we have to assume that there was probably NO beginning, merely a never-ending series of transformations.   We say, quite glibly : 'World without end".   I say "Universe without beginning!"

    Up until this time, no one has satisfactorily refuted Lord Russel.   (He put to rest the much mentioned 'Big Bang' theory as well, of course.)

    I mention this because I find it interesting.    I doubt that Russel has damaged the Church much at all, and the Big Bang people look even sillier than do the Theologians.   Although Russel, when hard-up for money, wrote a series of articles entitled "Why I am not a Christian", he often took equal delight in making fun of militant Atheists.

    In my opinion,  Russel was not challenging the fact of a Big Bang, just that it was 'the beginning of everything'!

  8. Try reading Charles Darwin.  

  9. we are not capable of understanding what ever it is that made us.

  10. Well there is not God so it must be evolution

  11. People rely upon the standard definition of God. Try a new definiton - God is the universe. It's fairly certain that the Universe blew up, not out of nothing, but out of an indescribaly dense stuff that was not matter (becase all the electrons and protons and neutrons were detached). So where did this stuff come from? Maybe it was already there - the final stage of collapse of a previous Universe. In this way of looking at it, the Universe wasn't created, but born.

  12. it couldnt be logical or harmonious. thats full proof of god :)

  13. God is an imaginary being created by the delusional mind.

    Nothing is logical about God because it exist in the imagination of the delusional people but not in the mind of logical people.

  14. If it's not God, it's evolution. You can't have it both ways.

  15. Jumping to a supernatural conclusion to explain the unkown is using CAVE MAN logic....

  16. its called he big bang theory, look it up. Evolution started the human race, not god. otherwise the laws of incest just kinda spiral and make my head hurt.

  17. Without a Creator, it wouldn't be considered a Creation. There wouldn't be a "why" to existence.

  18. Its all inceasing complex chemical and biological reactions. If god is real explain dinosaurs and the holocaust.

  19. Not Possible.

  20. Same way as God came about. It just appeared.

    Something had to come from nowhere.

  21. God is not a logical proposition. His presence is a matter of Faith.

    The creation of the universe (How) is understood. The big mystery is why? and no-one can ever know that. You too, have a great day.

  22. For object knowing limited consciousness God is separate from

    itself and the creation.

    In reality God,creation,limited object knowing consciousness appear

    and disappear simultaneously in the background of adjunctless


    God,creation,limited consciousness are just phenomena appearing

    and disappearing on the screen of pure awareness.

    Because of self-delusion pure awareness appears as creation to our


  23. i think that nothingness only exists as part of a cycle and only for an infinitely small time. the repeatable transition from 'no thing' existing to 'some thing' existing does not count as "The Creation" for me.  

    i dont think there ever was a creation  - i think something exisiting is the default position  that there always was something - i do not deny the 'big bang' and happily accept that 'the universe as we know it' can temporarily effectively cease to exist in an expanding contracting cycle but i say it doesn't exist momentarily only in the 4 strings of existence ( the 3 dimensions  + time ) that we can experience - that does not mean the other postualted strings of reality have no value at that point too. the default position of there always being something includes them in my understanding.

    for there to be intelligent design the universe must've been created to a specification - i partly deny "god" because I do not believe the universe was ever created.

    I as you may remember am a spritual A-theist - For my beliefs I add an extra letter 'o' and i believe in "Good" not "God"  

  24. If Creation were not here, how could the possibilty of God be plausible?

  25. How is god logically possible?!

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