
If Gordon Brown was assassinated, would this make his career a success? ?

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This question is inspired by the trial of some people who are said to have been plotting to do just that




  1. As it was a real possibility that is a poor choice for (supposed) humour.


  3. GB's career is beyond rescue.

  4. People don't deserve to die just because they are bad at aspects of their job, even if it is Prime Minister.  

  5. no... no it would not.

  6. Maybe not, but it would make the News watchable again, no more droning on about "Getting on with the job of running the country" "Difficult economic times" etc

  7. No because we should never make martyrs out of terrorists.

  8. Who would play him in the inevitable film that would follow?

    Would be interesting to see who crawled out of the woodwork to sing his praises.

  9. This would depend upon whether he went with a bang or a whimper!

  10. No it would just make him have two spots in the hall of fame one for being the worst prime minister in living memory and second for being the second prime minister in history to be assassinated

  11. No, but all the politicians who criticise him at the moment would show themselves up for the hypocrites that they are, by praising him to the highest after he was dead.

  12. Let us be honest!Why get involved in his demise?Let the Labour Party do the dirty work!

    Right now,the political knives are sharpened and shimmering in the darkness of the Labour Party Conference in a few weeks time!Just waiting for the opportunity to strike!

    Brutus of Roman Times pales into insignificance when those Labour plotters get going!Loyalty!What Loyalty?

    Will it be!We have come to bury Gordon Brown!Not to praise him!

  13. "Assassinated" may seem a little strong.  "Put out of our misery" may be more apt.

  14. Your question is both inappropriate and in bad taste.

  15. Maybe but i wish the cops would spend more time on the beat than the carnival for these "assasins"

  16. I absolutely detest the "man". I must say that i find your question in bad taste. What I would suggest is that he be quietly incarcerated in a home for the incurably insane !

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