
If Governor Palin & Her Husband Were Properly Parenting Their Children ?? ?

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Do you think that Bristol Palin would have had the opportunity after school or basketball game to stay out late, get laid and get knocked up ?




  1. Not if they had been smart and given her proper s*x education. Abstinence only is a crock of poo.

  2. Good Catholic family ?

  3. One mistake by a child does not mean you are an unsuccessful parent. How the child recovers from that mistake is what proves you raised him/her right.  I don't agree with the getting married part, but it seems that she is taking responsibility for her actions.  

  4. Do you know where your teenagers are 27/7 and who they are with?

  5. They must have done a good job, their daughter is grateful for the child and engaged to the father.

    A bad parenting job would have resulted in the baby being viewed as a curse by Bristol and having it killed and tossed in a dumpster.

    You know, the way Liberals raise kids.

  6. You don`t have a clue do you?

    Do you know teenage girls lie to their parents about what their doing all the time.

    They plan with their friends to say their spending time at their girlfriends house, when really the girl is with her boyfriend.

    It happens all the time even to the best parents.

    A virgin teenage boy in High School is ridiculed relentlessly,

  7. so now your calling all the parents of teenage mothers in the black sommunitites lousy parents?

  8. Yea, let me know how you do raising your kids Junior!

    Makes me wonder what you did behind your parent's back.

  9. I don't think it's that big of a deal. It happens all the time in Small town America. Get pregnant at 18 and get married the next year. It does happen. Get over it.

    Not that I know who Palin is yet, or why she would be good for this country.

  10. Obama put it best. It's a family matter and none of our buisness.

  11. No...I think that Sarah Palin's teenage daughter's pregnancy is an example of her failure to have the "right talk" with her daughter about where babies come from and how to have "safe" s*x.  A teen pregnancy is one of many possible scenarios that could have about contracting AIDS.  Again...this very personal issue is an example of how you don't want someone else's religious or social beliefs (especially with these diastrous results) to influence legislation...Sarah Palin is not just anti-abortion; she is also anti-contraception (wanting to limit the access to birth control and condoms).  Think about this as it pertains to her daughter's predicament.


    theres a story where obama says you disresepct him and his campaign by talking about bristol.

  13. I bet you where a perfect 17 year old that did everything mommy and daddy wanted you to. And I'm sure your mommy held your hand 24/7.

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