
If Gustav directly hits New Orleans, where would the Saints and the Hornets play in the 08-09 season?

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I mean do you think both teams would relocate for good, if the next storm tears up New Orleans again. NFL (Saints)- Los Angeles, San Antonio or Las Vegas; NBA (Hornets)- Seattle, Kansas City or Las Vegas




  1. Neither team will go to Vegas.  

    The NFL would love to put a team in LA so they can fail for a 4th time but I think San Antonio would be a better choice.

    The NBA won't go to Seattle because if they had a decent arena the Sonics would still be there.  That leaves KC who has a brand new empty arena that they have been trying to fill with any team they could find for a few years now.

  2. The city was flooded because of the levey wall that broke. The government didn't want to pay to get it fixed and it was over 50 years old. When the wall fell and colapsed then all the water got into the city. They have a new one now.

    Another hurricane will not tear up New Orleans

  3. They wont go to Vegas for sure.  Saints may go to San Antonio, and the Hornets, maybe back to Charlotte, who knows. Good question.

  4. It wont happen..

    I'm not saying Gustav wont hit NO, but people will actually evacuate properly this time.  

  5. I hope that doesn't happen. We don't need another storm to hit New Orleans, and I can't imagine the state of Louisiana without my Saints or my Hornets. I am praying the storm dies down without destroying any lives.

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