
If Gustav hits New Orleans, will the NFL Saints move to Los Angeles?

by Guest58946  |  earlier

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I mean the Saints tried Baton Rouge and San Antonio, and had poor reception in those cities. Do you think that Los Angeles would be a permanent fit for the Saints, if Gustav by any chance wreck New Orleans again. Other options may include: Birmingham, Memphis, Las Vegas or even Sacramento.




  1. dont count on it

  2. George Bush hates black people.

  3. You cannot pick up a team and move them at the drop of a hat. And they wouldnt move anyway.

  4. If Gustav hits New Orleans, but lets hope it doesn't, I really don't see them moving to Los Angeles, even if it is just temporary.  Memphis and Birmingham don't have large enough cities to suit the needs of an NFL franchise, I don't see how either city would be able to regularly fill the stadium year after year.  Las Vegas would never be allowed to happen, especially not after what happened with Pacman Jones.  Goodell would never allow a move to Las Vegas (and remember, he does have some say in a team moving cities).  If they have to temporarily move to a new city again, it would be somewhere in the south, probably somewhere near New Orleans.  The Saints have always been in New Orleans, and it will take the city sinking into the gulf before they move away.

  5. Yes that would be a Good Idea or Move to St. Louis and Send The rams Back to L.A. where they Belong.

  6. The games MUST go on. Have you seen very many major league players making 100-300 million really care about we fans when something like Katrina hit >>h**l NO

    I dont care to go see their lazy *** either that cant run the ball out down first base line if they dont hit a home run. Give me a brk.!!

  7. New Orleans is the Saints and vice versa. It's impossible to sever the ties between the two.

    Blue Horseshoe. Why don't you go put a ******* shotgun to your head. The streets were backed up for days with people trying to get out. The people that were left behind were those that were unable to get out under their own power.

    If you want to place blame, maybe you should try the state government that waited until the last minute to make it possible to evacuate or the federal government who took three ******* days to get people off their roofs and bring water into the Superdome.

    **** you.

  8. think posative and nope they won't because baton rouge is a true home to them

  9. At least now the people of New Orleans are planning to leave the city rather than sit there like deer in the headlights as it approaches and then blame everyone but themselves for their complete failure to handle a natural disaster which they had several days warning to prepare for or evacuate from.

    I think the team will go to San Antonio when their lease is up regardless of the weather.

  10. I'm not sure where the Saints would move if Gustav hit New Orleans. That could be an option, but I highly doubt it.

  11. The New Orleans fan are some of the best fans in the league, I love seeing games in New Orleans.  Lets pray that Gustav doesn't hit New Orleans, Kayne was right.

  12. George Bush is doing it again?

  13. you cant just take away a team from its home. the fans would be devastated.  

  14. Let us hope Gustav doesn't hit New Orleans.  It would be another major disaster for that city.  The Saints are only accepted in New Orleans because that is their city.

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