
If Gustav is so bad why are all the news people rushing to be dead center in the middle of it?

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If Gustav is so bad why are all the news people rushing to be dead center in the middle of it?




  1. Because they'll do anything for a good story.

    An odd but related note ... there's this guy on AIM with the name "Hurricane Gustav" who thinks he's the hurricane.

    o_o Weird...

  2. My favorite is when Brian Williams and Mike Seidel got blown away in Hurricane Isabella.  That was so funny!  I wish I could find a video.

  3. It's part of their job. If you remember,there were also newscasters at Katrina.

  4. Are You kidding ??! -It's BAD News...-& the Media THRIVES on the stuff! Death! Destruction! Mayhap! Mayhem! - What MORE can a Reporter ask for ?! It keeps them Employed; gets them Promotions; puts them & their film clips & reports on TV & the Internet! FORGET about covering the Old Guy & the Young Chick from Alaska at the Republican Convention this week...-GUSTAV is going to be MUCH more exciting than THAT..! So THAT's where the Press is going to be... :)

  5. Because for some strange reason television news networks have become convinced that viewers aren't satisfied with their reporters talking about the stories from afar, they have to be 'where the action is' or it doesn't count. I for one can get enough information about what's happening in New Orleans without some reporter standing in the middle of a vacated downtown telling me that New Orleans has been evacuated. What's really weird is that New Orleans can't really say the city has been evacuated when its allowing the reporters to inhabit the very streets it said had to be cleared. Come to think of it, where did all those reporters stay after Hurricane Katrina? If New Orleans was so devastated and, one assumes, all of the surrounding area was already full of refugees, where did the reporters get their make-up done? Want to help put an end to this foolishness, refuse to watch the news reports.

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