
If H.R.H gave up the throne. would she have to leave the country. re-James 2nd and Edward the 8th.?

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My prefound applogise To HR.




  1. Why should she? double NO. (Oops triple no then)

  2. Hi No, but I cant see that happening.

    When Queen Elizabeth 2, was crowned Queen, she took an oath to remain as Queen for as long as she lives.


  3. no she would most likely just chill at one of the many palaces and keep a low profile.

  4. The Queen mum didn't leave so why should she!!

  5. No.  Unlike those others, she would not be leaving in disgrace.

  6. No. As in the line in Braveheart from the Irish King

    "It's moi Island, I own it".

    The others chose to leave, albeit with much pressure.

    But, in my opinion the question is moot, the H.M. is, if nothing else,  dedicated to faith, tradition, service, and her job, which will end on the sad day she departs this world forever. She is not a quitter.

  7. No. The other two are not comparable.

    James II was thought to be too Catholic in a very Protestant Country.

    Edward VIII had caused a scandal at the time by marrying a divorcee.

    The Queen has no blot on her character, so of course she would stay

    There is however no chance of her abdicating.

  8. No reason why she should, Edward VIII went abroad as he had become involved in a scandal. James II was not exiled, he went of his own accord.

    It is doubtful she would ever abdicate though as she takes her vows very seriously if all you hear and read is to be believed.

  9. No she wouldn't because Prince Charles, her son, would take over.

    The only way she would be forced to leave is if the monarchy is overthrown and somebody else becomes king/queen which is very unlikely to happen!

  10. If she were to abdicate, she would have to leave the country. As did Edward VIII.

  11. You presumably mean HM, not HRH.

    Answer is No!

  12. no

  13. No.   But they could ALL go......

  14. King James II was not forced to leave the country he fled on his own. As the King's disputes with the English Parliament grew into the English Civil War James stayed in Oxford, a Royalist stronghold. When the city surrendered after the siege of Oxford in 1646, Parliamentary leaders ordered the Duke of York to be confined in St. James's Palace. In 1648, he escaped from the Palace and from there he went to The Hague in disguise.

    King Edward VIII chose to abdicate, in other words, he voluntarily relinquished the throne. He and his wife was not forced to leave the country either, they decided to settle in France. Following the outbreak of war in 1939, the Duke was given a military post in the British Army stationed in France.

    If Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom choose to abdicate and retire, why would the British Parliament force her to leave the country? If she did retire, she would probably spend the remaining days of her life at Balmoral Castle, Scotland, her favorite getaway.

    Many royal families were sent in exile (force to leave their country) however this could only happen under the circumstances if the Parliaments decide to overthrow the monarchy entirely (abolish the monarchy), like the Greek royal family and the Russian royal family who is currently residing in London, UK.

  15. No not at all, just lets keep hoping she has a long long life.

  16. I think we will have another Charles no other way for him if he is king  - certainly it will be a laugh as I don't think he can cut the mustard.  Let King Harry have a crack at it he seems a nice chap.

  17. No. Not unless she was overthrown. But there would be a reason for that because her life would be in danger then or if the country had a war going on in it. In world war II when Germany invaded Holand the Royal family fled the country.

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