
If Haiti had Highways and Interstates?

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why can't Hiati have highways. te country is so small. why can't the government borrow like a biillindollars and use it to make more money and build up the country. Haiti's problem really frustrates me.

i mean if i was president the first thing i would do is like get other countrires to help.

but anyways, if Haiti had highways and interstaes(since the country is so small) wouldn't it take like an hour to travel from west to the domincan border.

i remember it took us like 4 hours to go from port-au-prince to l'artibonite.

why can't they build haighways and interstates like other countries. what's wrong with the government




  1. I am sorry to say so but this has to be one of the dumbest question i have heard so far about Haiti ! My parents took me to Haiti after my dad graduated college , many years ago , i stayed there from 7 until i was 19 and left , the way that country is this days you really think that is what is on those people mind ? highways ? They have kidnapping , violence, the trash all over , no electricity ,no running water , heck some of those people are eating dirt for god sake ! No hospitals ! it's just a nightmare for this people to worry about and you are talking about highways !  

  2. The government is too corrupt for any improvements.

  3. Haiti is so poor that they doesn't have any access in order to borrow and second the government is so corrupt and inept that is the one keeping your country from progress. Puerto Rico is smaller than Haiti and have these times of highways. But you can't compare one with the other because your people in your government are to corrupted and don't care about Haiti. Just like you worrying about highways when there are other and important things to care of like hunger, sickness, etc. If that is the way you Haitian think then all of you are doom..

  4. They need money for TEN other more important problemd to be seen to before highways! Politician's pockets is one of them.

  5. there are people trying to build roads in haiti the UN has helped and there are ngo programs from china and ll over the world trying to build better rods however theres no money to maintain them there have been many roads and bridges built by the americans when the occupied but the haitian people/goverment let them fall apart.

    also it isnt easy in some sections of haiti becuase it is so rocky and mountais everywhere so it makes it hard to deal with all of this.

    but it is  a last concern if they can not deal with sanatation and basic drinking water how will the goverment deal with the rods, aristead was given billons from the usa goverment when they put him in power he magiclly made the money vansih. rodsarent gonna happen anytime soon with the problems we have in haiti.

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