
If Having s*x On A Plane Is Called The Mile High Club, Whats Is It Called On A Train???

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If Having s*x On A Plane Is Called The Mile High Club, Whats Is It Called On A Train???




  1. A wreck?


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  2. Dang, it has never happened to me yet and I been railroading over 30 years :-(

    Too many guys and not enough women working here, I dont suppose anyone would want to come here and go through the intitiation procedures with me?

    I have been screwed by dispatchers, trainmasters, roadmasters, road foremen, yardmasters, etc . . . . . . . but never with the benefit of intercourse LOL

  3. If you are old enough, then it could be called

    'The Platelayers Club'

    'The Shunters Club'

    And if you are really old enough, then how's about ~

    'The Wheeltappers & Shunters Socialable Club'

    'Buffers Club'

    or ~ like the reasonf for the 'Mile High' version, 'The Sixfoot Six Club' as, I figure that's about the height of the floor above the tracks!


  4. Superior amenities for the satisfaction of the discerning passenger.

  5. The Speeding Bullet Club

    The Long Haul Club

    The Express Club

  6. the jammy beggars!

  7. The Long Mile Coach??

  8. Rockin' and Rollin', Clickin' and Clackin', Whistlin', Ringin, Steamin' Club.  'Board!

    Trains are cool, and what a way to pass the miles!

  9. A lot of me

  10. how bout the mile long club??

  11. The 80-Mile per Hour Club.  (yes, it actually does have a name)

  12. The Clickity-Clack Club ??

    At 80mph, I would HOPE I would last more than a MILE !!  That's less that a MINUTE :O :O

  13. I do not know; since we're all adults here, let us decide among ourselves what it should be called.  Personally, I like "Laying the Rail"

  14. the MILE LONG club?

    I'm a member of BOTH BTW.

  15. track record

  16. Infrequent.

    But, if she behaves herself, I may let her blow my whistle...

  17. Fun

  18. railworker's dream club

    chuga-choo-choo club

  19. The caboose club

  20. laying track with big whistle?

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