
If Hillary Clinton died today, who would replace her on the campaign trail?

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Just a thought. Did you know, that Hil's waistline has grown 5 inches in the past year--too much stress!

I think Chelsea Clinton should bump up her smoking hot bod and seize the old guys at the convention!




  1. Mona Lewinsky - Bill Clinton would appreciate having her.

  2. no one

  3. no one - she's losing anyway and the primaries are all over in 2-3 weeks

  4. After the party?????  I don't think anyone

  5. I doubt anyone would replace her, she's too far behind and there is no one else running for the Democrat nomination besides Obama.  He would take it then.

    Though I agree with you about Chelsea, she should definitely bump up her SMOKIN' HOT BOD.  Girl really grew into something, didn't she?!

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