
If Hillary Clinton doesn not win Ohio or Texas does this mean the end of her campaign?

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If Hillary Clinton doesn not win Ohio or Texas does this mean the end of her campaign?




  1. Go Hillary 08!!! CHANGE we can believe in!

  2. Even if she wins, she'll have to win by alot.  Even if Obama keeps within 10, it's still a win for him.

  3. Hillary might be toast already . . . she lost the primaries today and what really hurt the was the loss in Virginia  . . . she let go her campaign manager and assistant manager usually, when that happens . . . call in the dogs and p**s on the fire, the hunt is over!

  4. Almost certainly, if she doesn't win at least one of these, she is toast.  She probably needs to win both to keep going to Pennsylvania in April, especially if Obama wins the primaries/caucuses between now and Texas and Ohio, as expected.  

    Obama made inroads on Clinton's main demographic group in the D.C. area primaries, whites and women (he won the female vote in all 3 primaries).  Almost every indicator is now moving in Obama's favor.   Even Clinton's lead with the Super delegates is unlikely to stand if he leads in the popular vote and the delegate count.

  5. sadly, yes.

  6. Would that it were. Would that it were. But use the ketchup a lot anyway.

  7. Hillary does not stand any chance if she does not win both Ohio and Texas.  Obama has tremendous momentum now and more and more people are jumping on his bandwagon.  She must win on March 4th to keep any hopes of victory alive.

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