
If Hillary become a president does she get success?

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If Hillary become a president does she get success?




  1. If Hillary becomes president - - - Don't see it happening, but things will continue to go down hill! She has - Like it or not - already ran our country for 8 years, under the cover of BILL! Why else would she have stayed with him, except that she had POWER!

    I wasn't impressed then, and I'm not impressed with her now! Her ideals are non-traditional, she's done very little on her own, and we don't need another puppet on a string in the White House!

  2. Being a liberal, it's obvious that two of the candidates, Hilary and Obama, would never get elected because Hilary is a woman and Obama is black. California, New York, and some other northern states would vote for them in the election, but a lot of the south and some of the north is so heavily racist and sexist that it wouldn't be possible for them to become president. Most people would vote for Bush again rather than Obama and Clinton. I would consider voting for Obama, but I would never vote for Hilary, not because she's a woman, just because she is a liar and a bad person. At the top of my list right now is Bill Richardson.

  3. Easier to understand question would be if Yoda wrote it had.

  4. Senator Clinton is very smart.  She would be one of the smartest political leaders since FDR.  Even smarter than Bill.  I think she can have great success as president.

  5. I can't stand her but she is already successful by any body's standards. I admire her will power and her drive...but she drives me up the wall at the same time . If she does get elected she will not think of herself as a success ...she will think of herself as victorious and dominate of all things ... big difference.

  6. No,the house and senate will fight her on everything. She is a Socialist.

  7. Sorry, but I hope to the good Lord above that Hillary is never going to be a president.

  8. She's already successful. What's the question?

  9. If she does well, then yes.

  10. if she wants it

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