
If Hillary clinton is the next president of USA, who will be the next vice president?

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If Hillary clinton is the next president of USA, who will be the next vice president?




  1. Think this has been settled for a long time---Wesley Clark---he is part of the military,industrial complex, and can take orders.

  2. When you vote a Clinton in office you always get two fer one and another under the desk.

  3. Bill will be Prez, Hillary will be his VP.

  4. Charley brown


  5. She has to choose a runner.   It is up to her to choose who she wants to run with her and it does not have to be any of the ones who are running for president now.   It is her choice.

  6. She will take a cue from her husband and get a complete idiot for veep.  This cuts down on assassination attempts.

  7. John Edwards

  8. First she must get the candidate for her party

  9. Anyone who can help her rip off the rest of the White House,  stuff she didn't get when Slick Willy was Prez

  10. Bill Richardson.

  11. Where did you ever get the idea that Hillary is the next Prez.?

  12. Obama is the best running mate of Hillary Clinton and they will be unbeatable.

  13. satan.

  14. She will ask Obama to become vice president. Which would make sense because of the amount of followers he has.

  15. you will be :)

  16. Unofficially - BILL, he has a lot of related experience.

  17. OR??  Who will be 1st lady or 1st gentleman.  Are Hill and Bill still married, by the way?

  18. I've heard from several news channels that her top choice is Evan Bayh, the Junior Senator from Indiana.  Ironically, he holds the same Senate seat that Dan Quayle did.

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