
If Hillary didn't owe $20 Million would she stump for Obama?

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The former first lady, who is due to appear at an Obama event in Florida on Monday, hasn’t gotten back to them yet. When she does, she’s likely to add a few stops of her own — fundraisers, including at least one in Texas to help her repay more than $20 million in debt incurred during the primary.




  1. hillary is between a rock and a hard place and is being used ,maybe against her will...

  2. Political Whoring, she is going to be pissed when they all lose, her credibility gone forever!

  3. I like your answer within your question! She has to stump for Obama in order to pay back her debts, but don't you think she really wants McCain to win so she can try again in four years?

  4. Heck, I hear she doesn't even like stumping with Bill, which is why Bill had to go get some outside all the time. Well, that and the fact that he's a sexual predator : ).

  5. Yes. He likely will win the presidency anyway, and she still represents New York in the U.S. Senate. It's never a good idea to be opposed to a popular president of your own party.

  6. Yes because she's a Democrat,and she is loyal to her party

  7. Great question.  I've been silently asking myself that.  Bill and Hillary like money and I don't think they'd be promoting this empty suit who ran such a mean campaign against them, even calling Bill a racist, if they didn't want to get their debt paid.  I find it sad that they'd risk the security of this country with someone who can't handle the dangers we face just to get a loan paid off.  I don't think Biden is really that into this election either.  He praised Palin's speech on camera.  But there were a lot of Democrats that said they wouldn't accept the VP.

  8. She would. She is a democrat first and foremost, and she wants a democrat in the White House.  

  9. Are you kidding me?

    If she wasn't "forced" to appear for Obama, because he promised that he would help repay her debt if she went on the road for him, she'd be back in New York doing what she's supposed to be doing in the first place. Working, not traveling around.

  10. She is going to lie like a rug,She hates the man who stole the nomination from Her,

  11. No. she wanted to win so she could be the

    First Woman President.  But, she didn't want

    to use her own money to pay off her debt.

  12. It really makes me laugh to hear people say she wants Obama to win!  There is no way!  This man chose Mr. Boring Biden over her and her 18,000,000.00 voters because he did not want to share the glory with her.  She will do as little as possible to help him- I love that she is refusing to bash Sarah Palin- it gives me (a republican) more respect for her.  If Obama wins she will have to wait 8 years to run again- she wants the job of President.  She and Bill will probably vote for McCain!

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