
If Hillary wins, will it just be four more years of Bill?

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What would be the difference?




  1. If I believed that I would vote for her.

  2. No it would just be 4 years of hillary, one of the New York senators who voted in favor of maintaining the number of troops in iraq, and voted in favor of the renewal of the patriot act.

  3. why does it matter..........i am just wondering where are you trying to go with this question.

  4. No, it'll be eight more years of Bill, if the electorate is dumb enough.

  5. would be 4 more years of Hillary AND Bill!

  6. That's what people would like to believe.   That's the only reason people are voting for her.

  7. she was already quoted saying that if she ever needed some advice she could just ask her husband.

  8. worse, hillary will cry if she doesnt get her way......Bill just finds other women

  9. Haven't you heard? The royal family (Kennedy's) came out supporting Obama...looks like she's about gone. But to answer your question: That would be double trouble for the country.

  10. Of course, 4 more years of both.........this i do NOT want.

  11. i can't support Hillary because she voted for the war...  i knew that the war was a joke from the get go... how could she just conform to what was popular at the time and allow people to die?? obama is the next kennedy... he doesn't lie and has an actual set of morals ... not just the fake set that most politicians purchase.. lol

  12. What makes you think Bill was ever in charge?  It will be another 4 years of Hillary.

  13. ... we should be so lucky.

    I'd take a weed smoking fornicator like Bill over a whack job, right wing, cowboy like GW anyday.

    Not to mention, if Hillary wins, its like getting two presidents for the price of one.

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