
If Hillary wins?

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If Hillary wins, will the USA become an Amazonic society?( women warriors )

Will men be obliged to wear a ring on

their nose and a computer chip on their pennis?




  1. Oh come on. Don't be ridiculous.

  2. If Hillary became President that would be the least of our worries.

  3. This is a moot (and silly) question because Obama is going to win.

    Obama for America!

  4. No, but things will be much better than they've been under monkey boy.

  5. Only in your dreams....

  6. I know right? We'd also probably have to give up more money to take care of the 'poor' people in our country and make it easier for them NOT to work.

    The ONLY good thing about making Hitlery Klintoon our President, is that maybe 'under God' would be taken out of our Pledge and 'In God We Trust' off our currency.

    But I would much rather live in fanatically religious country that allows me to defend myself, family, property and country, than one that takes away my guns and ability to defend myself and gives us up to the UN, one of the most U.S. hating organizations in the world.

  7. It probally wont go to that, but I can tell you what will happen. Homosexuals will be able to marry, Abortion will not only be legal everywhere, but required, the usa will be turned over to the united nations, our guns will all be taken away, our taxes will be raised, and our economy will go to pot.  as everyone is taxed through the roof for her health care plan, and doctors left and right will be quitting their practice as it will no longer be profitable.

  8. With or without Hillary as president some men could stand to wear a ring on their nose and a computer chip on their p***s! But seriously - that's an insanely extreme thought process you have going on there.

  9. Better than a Bushido society dude!  lol  Obama has no chance.

    Hillary v ?  

    I'm English so .......I dont care!

  10. if hillary wins

    most free men will be locked away in re-education camps to teach us to be more sensitive and emotional

    the pussification of america will be complete

    we will be like the french, unable and unwilling to fight

    we will not be able to defend ourselvs and all will be lost

  11. the answer to your search is, no hills doesnt have the time to tie you up ,and paddle your behind  or twist your nipples youll probably have to  out source  i hope you own a rubber sheet

  12. So many people forget that the President does not make all of the laws and tax raises and controversy. Yes, the president is our 'leader', he/she will be a face to present our country, but if Hillary won, she would not and could not twist our laws in such drastic ways (and I know your statement was a hyperbole. I know). It's just, the reason homosexual marriage isn't legal and the reason abortion isn't legal and the reason we are capable to have guns and protect ourselves is all because of our legislature- the congress that's been here so successfully for hundreds and thousands of years. The president just does one step in the process, and even then our representatives from our states can make the laws come true. So really, no, Hillary Clinton cannot do anything close to that.

  13. YES!!!!!!!  Go Hillary!!!!!!!!

  14. Pennis?

    Geesh..if you have a body part, one would think you'd know how to spell it.....

    Don't worry, however, you have plenty of time to order your cast-iron codpiece.
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