
If Hopkins straight right knocked Calzaghe down, imagine what Pavliks would do?

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I am not putting down Calzaghe. I am just saying that if a Calzaghe steps in the ring with Pavlik, there is a chance of Calzaghe getting stopped.




  1. price harry ur a t**t, ur just as bad as the paqiao nut huggers

  2. Princess Harry,

    why did Hatton get dropped on his *** by Mayweather if the British is taking over boxing?

  3. I like joe calzaghe, But prince harry you just said that americas has no one in the heavy weight class but britian doesnt eaither, I think your David haye has a future in heavy weight but as of now you guys dont have a heavy weight either

  4. what would pavliks do?

    lose, like hopkins did

  5. Pavlik with that right that Hopkins thats all i got to say, I mean Pavlik has POWER.

    Princess Harry your funny you u should be called Queen Harry. Come to philly i will show you what a "pusey" is. Calzaghe is a fairy i'm not gonna make this a country war I respect Ricky Hatton and i don't see fights like that. Anyway Calzaghe is a clown, Ricky Hatton is the best fighter to ever come out of the U.K. Let me know when Joe takes a real championship fight and stop ducking the real fights like he has done for his whole career. Kelly Pavlik in the futur i wanna see what he does when he has to fighter in their prime not a 43 year old man. He can't take a right from Pavlik or Roy Jones, and I know that slapping technique won't work.

  6. Pavlik might be a bad fight for Joe.  But keep in mind, Joe was NOT hurt by that right.  He got right up, and it did seem like Hopkins gave a little push to help Joe go down.  Not taking away from Hopkins knocking him down, I just don't think it hurt Joe.  More surprised him and caught him off balance and guard.  But with that said, I dont think Joe would match up well with Pavlik.  Then again I thought Hopkins dirty tactics would get the better of Joe, and they didnt

    Shut up Prince Harry.  I like Calazaghe, but Britain is FAR from taking over boxing.  There are far too many divisions held by non british fighters to make a stupid comment like that

  7. I don't care who you are, if you step in the ring with Pavlik there is a very good chance of a stoppage.  If Pavlik landed a straight right like the one Hopkins did, it's lights out, there is a big difference in power, and Pavlik isn't an old man, he is in his prime.  I think Pavlik would have KOed Calzaghe under that same circumstances had he been in there instead of Hopkins.

  8. Lol- I said the same exact thing in another answer to one of your other questions.  I agree with you; Pavlik's right hand is much stronger than Hopkins' at this stage and I think that if Calzaghe got caught flush with one of those, he would most likely get stopped.  You must also take into consideration that Pavlik would have multiple weapons against Calzaghe, while Hopkins was just looking for that one straight right counter shot.  Add to the fact that Pavlik would be throwing the right hand harder and with more unpredictable frequency, and I think that you would have a victory for Pavlik.  Thats why I think that Calzaghe is going to stay away from him and fight a much more beatable and rewarding ($) fight with Roy Jones, Jr.

  9. oh man pavlik will destroy him...and im not hating on calzaghe either im jus sayin....if he fights pavlik its over.

    calzaghe has shown he cant take a clean, connecting hit....and pavlik....well....kelly pavlik v. edison miranda....need i say more? pavlik can give a beating and he sure the h**l can take one!

  10. That shot wasn't the big deal people are making it out to be. Joe wouldn't have even went down had Hopkins not followed with a shove.

    Maybe a little flash but that's it.

    The question isn't weather or not Pavlik could knock out Joe, but weather or not Joe could knock out Pavlik.

    I see this as a very hard to win fight for Joe. He doesn't have a chance of knocking Pavlik out, and if the fight goes the distance then that's all the more time for Pavlik to throw his heavy hands around.

    Jermaine Taylor hits a heck of a lot harder than Calzaghe and Taylor nailed Pavlik for a entire round.. then Pavlik goes to his corner and laughs it off..

  11. No question about it, Pavlik has matter who steps into the ring with him next, Roy Jones or Calzaghe, Antonio Tarver, Mikkel Kessler,Librado Andrade etc etc they would be in danger of being stopped by the ghost.

  12. one thing you have to remember is that Pavlic is fighting in the 160 class and defending his title , perhaps for a couple of years. Calzaghe is in the 173 lbs class or whatever the number is 170-175.  It could be a major blockbuster fight especially if both men end up whupping roy jones and/or tarver but i don't expect it for a couple years

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