
If Hurricane Gustav hits hard, will New Orleans & Louisiana be better off with Gov Bobby Jindal, a Republican?

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…than the incompetent Democrat Gov Blanco who was in office when Katrina hit?

I know, I know, incompetent and Democrat are redundant.




  1. If it does hit hard this time, no doubt N.O. residents will be better off than with Katrina. And Jindal does seem to be doing a top notch job with preparations.

    But, do you think the prep would be the same if the city had not been through Katrina? And it takes more than government officials telling people to evacuate (they did that before Katrina), it takes the residents BELIEVING that they do need to evacuate. After experiencing Katrina, they are much more likely to believe and to get out.

  2. I'm from NOLA. the problem was a combination of things, from the federal govt, to state to local. The whole thing started bc the city waited too long to evacuate bc the storm changed course fairly quickly( i hope this one doesn't do the same bc they've been saying it's coming here for days now, so we're prepared, no one else is though if it changes course.) the next failure was Blanco didn't ask for federal help soon enough bc she thought the levees held. Bush COULDN'T do anything bc of this little thing called the Civil War (states rights) and only could send in the Coast Guard to help. It was only when the levees broke the next day did Blanco ask for Federal help. well sorry you libs, this isn't star trek and you can't teleport your self. to mobilize troops takes days. they got here in three.

    the worst part of the problem was the chaos that ensude afterwards. it's was happens when people spend their lifetime with their hand out and can't think for themselves. that's why the situation was so bad. Yo udon't see all the midwest states freaking out like that. NO. It's orderly, people come in, rescue you and you wait for the flood waters to go down. didn't happen here then.

    but now, there are plans in place. not bc he's a Rep, or bc she was a Dem, but bc it happend and we learned from it. I do think he is a better leader. after all, she was just used to handling the bologna on the ceilings in cafeterias and the senior pranks all the while jindal was revamping healthcare for Clinton. there' a reason why he was elected in a landslide... Dem realized there mistakes and Rep who didn't vote for him bc he was brown did too.

    please keep NO in your thoughts.

  3. I doubt a republican could do better.

    We saw Bush and Brownie freeze like deer in headlights last time.

  4. I am just hoping that it will wait and hit after the RNC gets there.  Then what will Robertson have to say about it?  It hit to get rid of the republicans?

  5. They should be better off due to simple experience. Katrina was 3 years ago, so they should be better prepared than they were then. doesn't really have much to do with political parties.

  6. Yes, in fact he has been very pro-active. 6 days in advance he declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard. Has also issued mandatory evacs away from the areas that are going to get hit.  

  7. Better off because FEMA has been restored.  Bush stupidly gutted the natural disaster response agency and then was surprised at the debacle when Katrina hit the gulf coast.  At the time, Bush's administration was getting rid of the professionals at FEMA and replacing them with novices like "Brownie".  You'll note, that policy has since been reversed and the agency has regained its ability to response competently.

    Its not about the governor in a disaster of that magnitude.

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