
If Hussein's mom was a radical, his preacher a radical, his wife is a radical, donors radicals, what is he?

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Obama’s natural father was a radical.

Barack was exposed to Communists and other radicals all along the way, starting with his mother. She was anti-establishment, and she seemed to get that from her father who (after all) named her after himself.

Obama's friends are also radicals.

Q: What do Obama and Osama have in common?

A: They both have friends who bombed the Pentagon.




  1. He's a free radical.  (A geek joke.  hahaha!)

  2. This is the truth...well stated.

  3. So are most impressionable & you learn what you believe is right & wrong at a very young age from the people you are surrounded by, unfortunately I do no think Obama had the best role models.

  4. Obama is a fake!

  5. Curious George.

  6. Your questions don't have much to do with the issues. As I answered earlier to "What is he?"  You should know he's the Democratic presidenetial nominee.

  7. Not too bright are ya.


  9. More slanderous attacks... Intelligent debates please?

  10. If you want an intelligent response, make sure your question and comments are based on fact next time.

  11. The next President of all the people of the United States whom the citizens always have given their full and hearty support.  

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