
If I'll put any s**y pic (of me) on my blog, what do you think about me??

by  |  earlier

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The most important thing is that nobody knows me in USA...I'm do you think??

If you notice some mistakes in my English, please, let me know!

(I'm here for improve it!)




  1. head shot is a pic of your head.your seriously pretty and that's kool u live in Italy

  2. You should keep your head shot on your profile. Why would you want everyone on the internet to see what  you got?? As a mother I would be really upset with my daughters for posting pics like that. Have a little more respect for yourself! How can other respect you if you have no respect for yourself.

    A head shot is the picture of your face,which you have up now.

    So you arent anoymous. We see you face, we know who you are.  You are asking for trouble by provoking.  Apparently you have no respect for yourself if you feel you have to do that.

    You are in Italy. And yes the right person could track you down and get in touch with you.  It happens all the time.

  3. You are "here for improvement." That was your English mistake.

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