
If I'm 10 days late on my apartment rent could i be evicted?

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I recently ran into some hard times this month and will be ten days (exactly) late on my rent this month and I'm cant stop thinking if i could be evicted for that? For instance what if they send me a pay or quit notice between those ten days that i don't have the money? I have never been late on my rent before and have only been in these apartments for 10 months. Help! I'm a mess any advice you have will be so helpful!




  1. try talking to the landlord.  let them know that it's going to be late and you will pay it in 10 days.  if you paid your rent on time every month than i don't think they will evict you.

  2. Depends on your Leasing contract.  You may be on grounds for an eviction.  I would talk to your land lord asap.  

  3. Unless there is a grace period in your lease, the landlord can evict you for being 1 day late.

    Your best bet is to talk to the landlord and let him/her know your situation.   It's expensive to evict and a hassle.   If you're otherwise a good tenant, he/she is likely to cut you some slack (perhaps just a late fee.)

  4. I guess your lease agreement could state you could be evicted after 10 days of being late, but I seriously doubt it.  Most landlords are happy to just get the rent late, especially if it's never happened before (and probably not again!).  Make sure you pay the required late fees as specified in your lease agreement.  I think you will be fine.  It's much more work to evict someone than to accept rent late one time!

  5. Talk to your landlord. if you say you never been late I'm sure he/she rather get paid than for them to pay the process of having you evicted

  6. 10 days and first time? No biggie. Many leases have the 5 day grace period but you have to pay a late fee.

    In most states to evict someone there is a process and they have to give you 30 days. So the landlord loses the rent that was behind and the rent for the next 30 days.

    Even if the law is different where you live a landlord is hesitant to evict. For one it is a pain. Secondly if they evict you it costs money. The unit will stand empty and not be making any money while they find a new tenant.

    So if you have never been late in 10 months just go talk to them. Everyone in life has hit a bump in the road. So they will just say fine pay 10 days late and you will have to pay the late fee.

    Don't get all stressed.

  7. Your hard times are not the problem of your landlord. The landlord can send a notice of pay or quit the day after your rent is due. The best thing you can do is to call your landlord and be honest. Speaking as a landlord's agent, I'm much more likely to give leeway to people who don't give me the run around - be up front and honest and come in with a payment plan and you'll be fine.

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