
If I'm at a party and a off duty cop look at me wrong or bump into me can I defend myself?

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I'm 6'5 and 370lbs




  1. 370lbs? ROFLMAO! You need to take better care of yourself and yes, you can defend yourself.

  2. You need to grow up.

  3. pop him in the head, he will learn!

  4. "look at you wrong"????  Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder.  By the way, you need some grammar lessons.  You are letting your ignorance show.

  5. Thinking you need to do anything because someone looks at you or bumps into you is just pure childish nonsense. People who react that way show a severe lack of intelligence and common decency.

  6. OH ITS YOU AGAIN, the usual 6'5" and 370 lbs. I suppose the 6'5" is not a height but a  6 years old, 5 broken teeth. 370 bottles of milk.

    WHY IS IT YOUR EXAMPLES ARE ALWAYS COPS are involved in your question? Get a life somewhere. I suppose you are unemployed at your status. At 6'5" you should be rich by now.

  7. sure go ahead just remember 99% of cops carry a firearm off duty and if you are really that big it wont be hard in justifing shooting you then you wont ask these ridicuolus questions any more

  8. Yes, you can defend yourself my giving them the same bump and or dirty looks, that's it. Why would you need to fight someone for looking at your wrong, that's not how grown ups act. Your size really doesn't matter to me or probably any cop. I too am 6'5 but I'm in good shape, I'm 215lbs and I'll knock you out. Simple as that.

    Size, especially weight isn't everything. So in short, man up and if someone gives you a crooked look, don't trip off it, some people just have those faces or feel they need to act hard, be the bigger man. One more thing never fight a cop whether on duty or off. Oh and by the way if he had randomly come up to you and hit you then yes you could have defended yourself although you would probably still go to jail.

  9. Who cares how big you are. Why would you have to defend yourself because someone bumped into you, or look at you the wrong way? What are you 15? Grow up.

  10. I don't know... Can you?

    How would I know?

    You're certainly too fat to run anyone down.

    I would hope the off duty cop wasn't fast or you're fcuked!

  11. Go get help. You obviously have anger management issues. You have no right to attack anyone for an accident (bumped into me), or perceived slights which might just be incorrectly interpreted (look at me wrong). It's called assault and I would expect you would be arrested even if the person wasn't an off duty police officer.

  12. if you weigh 370 lbs wouldn't everyone at the party be bumping into you?

  13. Explain "look at me wrong".  How do you define "look at me right"?  Sounds like you have some definite self-esteem problems.  Maybe your interpretation of how people look at you (right or wrong) stems from how you look at yourself.  Do you see yourself as attractive, or do you see yourself as obese?  Secondly, if someone accidentally "bumps into you", be it an off-duty officer or any other partygoer, it is an ACCIDENT and no "defending yourself" is warranted.

  14. You have no justification for self defense if anyone cop or non cop just "look at you wrong" or "bumps into you".

    The only justification for self defense is if you feel you are in danger of death or some level of real bodily harm.

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