
If I'm printing monopoly money off of the web how many sheets should I print?

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I need all the money the game would orginally have in it.




  1. Years ago I was something of an expert at Monopoly, and I seem to remember there was a rule about how much money there was in the whole game.  There was only so much money and if it ran out you couldn't make more, you couldn't go over that amount.

    But I just looked up the rules

    And apparently either I was wrong or the rules have changed.  If the bank runs out of money the banker can simply 'print' more by writing on paper.  Just like in real life! 8^)

    So I would say maybe 50 of each denomination to start with.  Maybe more of the smaller denominations.

  2. You need $1500 per player to start with, so a bare minimum would probably be 3-4 times that much. Probably a more realistic target would be 6-7 times. I certainly wouldn't print much more than that. (and an easier/cheaper solution would be just a dozen or so $1000 bills).

  3. To follow up on the poster above me...

    ...the rules have NOT changed.  The Bank has always been able to "print" money at any time.  

    The bank can never go "broke."  If it ever does, the bank can issue money simply by creating some by writing out denominations on a piece of paper.  

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