
If I've already had a bump on my nose piercing, am I more or less likely to get another one?

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I tried to change the jewelery after about 5 months of having the piercing, and I had a nasty bump that stayed for a while. I managed to get rid of it and it's nice and healed. Would the skin around the piercing be more or less likely to flare up again if I tried to change it, or would it make no difference?




  1. Make sure you're cleaning your piercing properly. If it's still sore, it means it's not healed so don't take it out. Keliods (bumps) are very common with nose piercings because people tend to take them in and out when cleaning, and think that the piercing is healed before it's ready. If it's still sore wait til that goes down, and then try changing. Don't keep pulling the jewelery in and out either, as that causes keliods as well.  

  2. Your body is rejecting  it. Of cource it can come back even with a vengence. Your snozzle is sensative and want's you to leave it alone. You can develope a cyste or fatty yumor if you are not carefull. Dump the pircing and stay with a plain ptreety nose

  3. ive had my nose pierced before so i know what 'bump' your talking about. I don't think its makes a different tbh, i think its just a bump you get if it flares up from changing the piercing. Leave it for a while before you change it again and make sure its a smaller stud because if your trying to make the hole bigger this is probably why it is getting inflamed, so yeah i don't think it makes a different, just something you get now and again.


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