
If I Become A Vegetarian Having No Meat Can I Still Have Mayonaise?

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But its got eggs in it.




  1. Yes, but Mayo is gross, try Veganaise! It is better for you and it looks and tastes better (or at least in my opinion it does) I am a vegetarian and I still eat eggs and dairy but I have to say Veganaise is just way better

  2. If you're ovo-lacto vegetarian, yes, you can.   Vegetarianism does include eggs, but as someone else said, don't replace meat with excess amounts of dairy and eggs.

    If you decide to go vegan, however, you'll want to use Vegenaise (by Follow Your Heart) instead.

  3. yes bc you are vegetarian.

    and mayonaise has egg in it.

    if you did not eat egg milk or honey.

    you would be a vegan.

  4. Hi,

    i was a vegetarian for some years, but other years i still ate chicken and beef on occasion.  i wasn't concerned about the label, it was personal preference - it grossed me out, and sometimes still does.  i stopped eating most meat before i was old enough to know what a vegetarian was.  people would ask if i was a vegetarian and i would say that i don't eat most meat but i do eat chicken and/or beef on occasion, and tuna once a year.  i definitely ate mayo, and ate eggs on occasion.

    don't worry about the label and what it means, eat what you are okay with, and for the reasons that are important to you.

    i didn't like the thought of eating meat, i still don't.  i won't eat veal or fois gras for the cruelty issues.  i try to buy free-range eggs, but can't always find them.  some people are all about the cruelty end of things, so if you don't like how chickens are raised you can buy free-range mayo.

    don't worry about the label, and eat what you are okay with eating.

    and if you are concerned about eggs, do keep in mind that almost all baked goods contain eggs.

  5. Can you? Of course. You won't die or go to jail if you eat eggs or egg products such as mayonnaise just because you become or call yourself a vegetarian.

    Should you? That's all up to you. Some vegetarians include dairy or eggs or both in their diets.

    Caveat: Don't replace meat with eggs completely like having eggs with every meal to replace meat. Eggs in moderation are not bad but in excess might cause some health issues. The same goes for dairy. I am not a vegetarian but I don't over indulge on both. In fact, I hardly eat any dairy at all except for some ice cream every now and then.

  6. im avegetarian. I eat mayonaise.

    only VEGANS can't have it cause they dont eat dairy

  7. If you're a vegetarian then yes.

    A vegetarian doesn't eat any animal flesh-- like chicken, beef, pork, or fish. A vegan doesn't eat animal flesh or any other animal products-- like egg, milk, or cheese. Vegans also don't wear animal skins, such as fur or leather.

  8. You can eat whatever, even as a vegetarian. The important question is, do you want to? It's your personal choice.

    However, you might want to consider the following: Too many eggs raise the risk of death:

    After watching EARTHLINGS, I decided to become a vegan - if you are interested, you can watch it here:

    So it really depends on what type of vegetarian you are trying to be.

    **Vegetarian Types Defined.

    - Lacto-ovo-vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the common type of vegetarians.

    - Ovo vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats all egg products but no dairy.

    - Lacto vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats all dairy products but no eggs.

    - Vegan:

    A vegetarian who does not eat any animal products. Some vegans even do not use animal products such as wool, leather shoes, belt, & jacket, honey. Also called Pure Vegetarian or Strict Vegetarian.

    - Raw vegan:

    A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). “Raw foodists” believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body.

  9. get rid of the label, Vegetarian, and eat whatever you want.

  10. Vegetarians eat eggs (and therefor mayo) but vegans don't.

    Mayo doesn't have any meat, fish or poultry products in it, so it is vegetarian.

  11. It's up to you what type of vegetarian you want to be. Most still consume dairy and/or eggs. I do. I periodically try to go vegan, and have created quite a few good recipes to go along with it, but have found that I don't yet have the willpower. Maybe eventually...

  12. I'am a vegetarian and I eat eggs, but perhaps mustard sauce will be a better taste.  Yes, you can have mayonaise if your a vegetarian.  Unless your belief system specify otherwise.

  13. Vegetarians can eat mayonaise as veggies still eat dairy products (inc. eggs) - if you choose to be a vegan and not eat dairy then you would not be able to eat mayo

  14. no, if your a vegan and don't eat any animal products. yes if you just don't eat meat, but you eat other animal products (eggs, butter, milk, cheese)

  15. Many Veggies still do Eggs & Dairy... you choose.

  16. You can if you eat eggs.

    I am vegan and so I don't.  I like Nayonaise.  It's the same thing but it doesn't have any animal ingredients.  It's healthier and has less fat too.

  17. There is Vegetarian Mayonaise and Vegan Mayonaise too :)

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