
If I Drop a Soda it obviously causes it to go flat but are there any situations where it can regain its taste?

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I was just wondering




  1. Keeping under pressure and the COLDER it is the more resistant it is to going flat. Heat will allow the dissolved CO2 to escape alot faster, making it flat. This is why hot soda tastes so terrible.

  2. If the soda hasn't been opened it doesn't go flat... unfortunately once it is and it's flat, that's it. :( I have found however, coke products go flat a lot slower than pepsi, so go with coke. :)

  3. no, it doesn't go flat from dropping it, the only way to make it go flat is to open it and leave it open until all the co2 has come out of solution, adding nucleation sites will speed that(mentos, salt,etc)or freeze it and then dethaw it (after pouring it out of the can/bottle. The way to return it to normal is to restore the co2 in solution (don't know how to do that).

  4. once a soda is flat there is no way of regaining the taste back

  5. maybe, if u shake it and open it over the sink, sumtimes it works, sumtimes it doesent

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