
If I EV train my Pokemon early and then level them up with Rare Candies, will they be weaker?

by Guest62378  |  earlier

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I'm planning to EV train them by about Lvl. 10, and then level them up to around Lvl. 50, and then use Rare Candies. Will they be weaker than if I had leveled them up all the way to Lvl. 100?




  1. Yes, you get less stats when you level with rare candies.

  2. First of all, do you know what EV training is exactly? If you completed their EV training already, that must mean that your Pokémon reached the 510 limit, right? Well, do you know what happens after the 510 limit? Nothing. Your Pokémon don't lose or gain any more EVs. Because of this, it is perfectly O.K. to use Rare Candies after you finish EV training.

    Lets say you use Rare Candies when you haven't trained your Pokémon in any way. That Pokémon will not get the maximum stats expected of it. It is like having a wild Pokémon at level 100. That wild Pokémon never fought so it didn't gain any EVs in any way.

    If you are still confused, I have this helpful site to sort problems out once and for all.

    Look towards the end where it says its O.K. to use Rare Candies after the EVs are full.

  3. yes they probably will be weaker because rare candies do not add any stats, yes your pokemon will be fairly strong because you have EV trained them but using rare candies is just bad for your pokemon  

  4. They would not be weaker. In fact, if you are doing level 100 wifi battles, you don't even need to use the rare candies!

    If they are EV trained, pokemon won't be weak when levelled up.

  5. yes pokemon don't gain as much experience wth rare candies. you have to train them on your own. they would be a lot stronger if u train them on your own.

  6. Listen dude, all these other guys have no idea what they're talking about. When you kill a pokemon you gain EV's from it. So when you EV train your pokemon and max out all their Ev's you don't gain anymore from killing other pokemon/levelling with rare candys. If you want to battle me/trade/learn more about pokemon Ev's and Iv's, pm me

  7. Using rare candies makes them slightly weaker but a level 100 kicks *** anyway. it is easier using rare candies and saves time. it is a mission to level up to 100 so i suggest rare candies but use as little as possible.

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