
If I Put Pirates Of The Carribean 3 On My iPod That Has 3.2 GB Free How many would it take up?

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If I Put Pirates Of The Carribean 3 On My iPod That Has 3.2 GB Free How many would it take up??




  1. well movie dont take up to much. i have over a thousand songs and two movies on mine and i still have 1. 6 g left  

  2. about 1 gig

  3. it would take up just around 600 mb which is only like... 0.06 gb. so dont worry, u have plenty of space =]

  4. If it's a limewired copy, then about 2 gigs. If it's a digital copy, about the same. Just remember: 1 movie=an average of 2 gigs. But it's longer than two hours, so maybe more...

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