
If I accidently fall asleep in contacts, will it hurt me?

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For a short period of time - an hour or two tops, say in a car or something. Would it hurt me? What would they feel like afterward?




  1. it would probably bother you a little bit

    but it would be okay, i guess.

  2. Everyone is different. If they are soft lenses, they can dry and cling to your eye. That would be irritating. If they do, use some re-wetting drops to wet them down again. If they are gas permeable lenses, they could get displaced off your cornea and float around in your eye. Then you will have a difficult time find the lense and getting it out of your eye. Try not to sleep in your lenses. Use re-wetting drops if they dry out. Good luck with your lenses.

  3. People do it all the time.  My friend wore hers for a couple of weeks, though, without removing them and they caused a sore on her eye.  The after-effects would depend on the type of contacts you have.

  4. No, for a short while it's okay, but you'll need to put some contact solution or moisturizing eye drops in afterwards b/c your eyes will feel very dry.

  5. I've been wearing contacts forever and the first time you fall asleep in them, they may be somewhere other than sitting on the center of your eye when you awaken, and you may have to "push" them back down into positon.....Your eyes will feel very dry.  You will have to replenish the moisture with solution and/or rewetting drops.  But I suggest removing them and cleaning them properly.  

    It's perfectly normal for a person to fall asleep in them, but it's not good for your eyes to make this a habit.  I had to learn this the hard way.  I would go to sleep daily with them in and finally my one eye became extremely irritated.  I had to take my contacts out, but I noticed what appeared to be a little pimple on my eyeball (yes, no kidding).  I went to the eye doctor and he said with me sleeping in my contacts repeatedly, I was starving my eyes from much needed oxygen and my eyes were not getting properly cleaned from the daily gunk and dirt.

  6. it won't hurt you, but I don't like doing it anyway because it makes my eyes feel dry and horrid but if you keep blinking that should help.

    You shouldn't make  a regular habbit of it anyway because sleeping in contact lenses starves your eyes of oxygen, whereas the night & day ones allow for better oxygen circulation.

  7. It doesn't hurt, but it feels pretty itchy and dry! Also, it is more difficult to take them off because they feel like they are suctioned onto your eyes. I think you should get the contacts that are okay to sleep in (i.e. Night And Day lenses), they seem like they are more fitting for your lifestyle.

  8. its fine i had contacts for a while i slept in them in felt weird in the morning tho but it might itch and get irritated and that means you need to take them out immediately and cleanse them they would not feel any different

  9. No, i always nap with mine in, just make sure to clean them reallly well when you take them out.  I mean, i have left mine in for DAYS at a time before,  is it good for your eyes not really, but its not going to cause pain.

  10. assuming you have soft lenses which 99% of people have - you're fine.  you don't want to sleep in your contacts too often but it happens to everyone once in a while and it's not going to damage your eyes.

    if you sleep in them you will wake up with your eyes feeling very dry and kind of sticky because they need moisture.  my eye doctor told me when you get up take out the lenses, rub them well in saline and put them away in their cleaning solution - wear your glasses that day to give your eyes a little rest.

    but even if you wake up and don't have that stuff handy don't worry - your eyes will feel sticky for a while but eventually you'll produce enough natural tears to see better- as long as you don't sleep in your contacts on a daily basis you should be fine - but definitely give your eyes a little break and don't wear your contacts for a day or so when you do accidently sleep in them.

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