
If I add my girlfriend to my credit card, will her credit score rise?

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If I add her to my American Express account, will it increase her credit score (I don't think it's a joint credit account because I previously had it)? Will it be the same as it impacts mine? I will always pay it off every month but I want to increase her credit before me buy a house in two years... Thanks!





    Only if you add her as joint account holder the credit bureaus have changed the way they do buisness. It has not changed completly. So, if you add as authorized user it will increase score and show credit history only at 2 credit bureaus

  2. Well wait till she is not a girlfriend but a fiancee with a ring, wedding date and a deposit on a reception hall. Your entire history will be added to her credit file.

    The credit bureaus are closing the credit score boost so the increase may only be temporarty.

    Wait. Wait. Wait.

  3. they call that piggy backing yes it will increase her score

  4. NEVER enter into a financial transaction with someone with whom your are not married. Period.

    Business partners, not married, draw up formal documents.

  5. Your girlfriends score will rise if you add her as authorized user. Is this only for increasing her credit score ? If yes, then keep the Amex card in her name in your possession.I will also recommend that you keep an eye on monthly statement.  

  6. No, it only effects the credit score of the person who opened the account. She would have to be a co-owner of the account to effect her score. Just putting her name on the account as an authorized user does nothing.

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